Friday, 7:50 pm

Everyone had arrived like forty or fifty minutes ago and was unpacking their stuff, I assumed.

Eva and I had decided to go try swimming, because we were already done. So we were wearing our Bikini's and dipped our feet in the freezing water. "Oh shit, Carla. Ain't no way I'll get in there." Eva said.

"Common. Please. A little cold water is good for your blood circulation I've heard. I'll go with you."

"It's freezing!" She argued and whined a little.

"See that jetty over there? How about we jump in the water?" I suggested. A quick jump like ripping off a bandaid. "You really are crazy... Let's do it" she said and I started laughing.

We went over there and I took her hand. "You ready?"


"Good... 3,... 2,..." I breathed in "1!" Then we both jumped.

I felt it everywhere and it even hurt a little at first but when I breathed in again, it felt refreshing. "YOU'RE SO CRAZY, OH MY GOD" Eva said. "THAT'S AMAZING!" She laughed really hard and her face was flushed in a bright pink. Mine was probably too.

"Oh my god!" I yelled. "WOHOOO"

Then I dived in again. It felt freezing everywhere but at the same time I felt my body heat. Weird.

After a while, I decided to sit down with Eva on the jetty again. "Did you bring towels? I asked. Mine are inside."

She smiled a tight lipped smile. "Me too. So... Run inside, wait for someone to ask them to bring us towels or go back in the water? Or stay here but that's not an option for me."

I pushed myself in the water again. "I'll be in the water. Somehow it has become warmer in the water than outside."

"True." Before she jumped back in, she played some music on her phone and played it as loud as possible— still not that loud, considering it was just the phone speakers, not a boom box or something.

She followed me in the water and started singing.

"I hopped off a plane at LAX with a dream and my cardigan. Welcome to the land of fame excess, am I gonna fit in?"

It felt like that Pitch Perfect movie and I sang along with Eva.

"Jumped in the cab, here I am for the first time. Looked to the right and I see the Hollywood sign."

Then I saw Eskild running with swimming shorts to us and jumping in the water

"This is all so crazy! Everybody seems so famous!" Eskild came up and screamed with us.

"My tummy's turning and I'm feeling kinda homesick. Too much pressure and I'm nervous. That's when the taxi man turned on the radio and the Jay-Z song was on. And a Jay-Z song was on. And a Jay-Z song was on!"

Then a few guys came running outside in shorts and danced and screamed.


One after the other jumped in the water  as well. And we continued singing that song. It felt like an amazing summer movie.

Some girls also came to us and danced either on the grass or swam with us. The rest had probably already heard our screams. A few people gathered on the balcony and yelled with us.

This was it. Alone for this moment it was worth to come here.

When the song was over, I laughed and everyone cheered, clapped and yelled and it was just so funny to see, what Eva has started. When I looked over to her, I saw how she laughed so hard that she had tears in her eyes.

I wanted to swim to her, but when I saw that Jonas did the same, I stopped, grinning and left them alone.

"Hey, you." Some brown-haired guy said. He was the guy driving in the car with Henrik. "Hey to you, too" I laughed.

"I'm Theo." He introduced himself.

"I'm Carla. Nice to meet you." I held out my hand laughing.

"Likewise. So you started this... party, worthy of a music video?"

"Oh well actually it was Eva. The girl over there." I pointed to her realizing how she flirted with Jonas and grinned even harder. "But we were the first ones, yes."

He laughed and went through his hair. It looked quite good when it was wet like this. "So you're one of the penetrators?"

He nodded. "Yep. How come, you're here?"

"Well I know William's girlfriend. We're good friends." I went with the same explanation as earlier. Then I saw how Chris talked to one of the girls in the corner of my eye.

"So not a girlfriend of one of the guys here?" He smirked. For a split second, I considered saying 'Yes, I am' but the thought was as fast gone as it came. "No. How about you? No girlfriend?"

"No girlfriend, no." He smirked. "Sooo... is this your kind of music?"

We talked and I laughed a lot. The day had just been really good and I was in a good mood anyway.

"Okay guys! How about a little fire and marshmallows, huh?" William yelled and I clapped along with a few people.

"I think I'll quickly run inside and grab a towel, I'm getting really cold." Theo then said. "Sure" I smiled. "Can you grab one for me too?"

"Of course. Will you wait here?" I nodded. A smile crept onto his face and then he ran inside. I swam over to the jetty again and sat down on it, my feet hanging in the water still.

I saw Chris swimming over. "Hey", he said. I greeted him back with a soft smile. He stayed in the water, looking up at me.

"Seems like you're enjoying this trip so far." He smiled but it sounded more accusing then just like friendly conversation. "You too." I said, honestly.

It felt a little weird between us since earlier. I knew that I felt the only thing towards him that I shouldn't feel, but here I was. The damn butterflies hurt, when I thought about how he couldn't feel the same for me, ever.

"We haven't really talked since we've arrived." I said, trying to start a conversation.

"I'm trying but you seem to never be alone." He laughed. "Of course not. Look at you."

I tilted my head at his statement in confusion. "You're always pretty, but this bikini... whoa."

"You don't look too bad yourself. Wet hair suits you." I smiled.

"Wet suits you even better." He winked and smirked.

"Are you also coming to the bonfire later?" I asked and just as he opened his mouth, his eyes fell on someone beside me. I shrieked, when I felt a towel around my body. "You scared me!" I laughed. He had one arm around my back and moved his hands quickly up and down to warm me up.

"Thank you." I smiled and he did too, then he looked at Chris.

"Hey man, what's up?" Chris bit his lips before he said: "Nothing, I was just about to get a towel too." Then he pulled himself up on the jetty and left without another word. Why was he mad now?

"Should we go, help William lighten the bonfire?" He suggested and I nodded. He helped me up and I walked over to Noora and William.

Noora's eyes followed Chris inside and she then eyed me confused. "Hey, do you need any help?" I offered. She nodded and asked me to help her get some wood. So I went to get some with her.

Chris Schistad - Couldn't EverWhere stories live. Discover now