Tuesday, 4:19 pm

"What the fuck was that?" I said calmly. "What are you talking about?"

I was mad and I felt my voice becoming louder. "Whatever that was with Robin?!"

"I don't know what you're saying." His controlled tone and the way he pretended to not know what I mean really pissed me off.

"You acted like you were jealous!" I screamed now.

"Well I'm not! Go fuck around everyone, if that's what you want!" He screamed now too.

"I might as well do so!"

Then it was quiet. It was a dumb thing to say, I know that, but I was just really pissed. I turned to my window, not even looking at him for a single second. He did the same.

When we finally arrived, I didn't hesitate to jump off his car run towards my house. I didn't look at him and I heard his car drive off, before I even reached my door.

"Asshole" I murmured, realizing that I should have kept this name for his number.

Wednesday, 11:25 am

I didn't know how chemistry was. I wasn't able to fully concentrate.

Yesterday I didn't receive a message from Chris, I didn't get no apology and I didn't text him or apologized either.

"So when is that movie playing?" Noora asked Vilde.

"6:30 pm." She answered. "But we should be there at 6:15 pm, to get the tickets and snacks and stuff."

"So do we go eat before or after the movie? It's a school night, so I don't want to be out too long." I finally tried to be part of the conversation as well.

"Before. We thought about eating sushi, because I haven't eaten it in a long time and I love it. You down for that?" Female Chris asked.

I nodded. "Great idea." Then I shoved a little bit of food in my mouth.

"So Carla... We're all quite interested to hear what's happening between you and Penetrator-Chris." Vilde said, smiling a little too curious.

I smiled at them. I loved them, they looked so cute when they want to know something. "You know, we still got all day to talk about it,— because... I feel like the last remaining minutes of lunch won't be enough."

Noora held me lightly by my shoulder. "How about you tell us over sushi today?" Sounds good, even tho I didn't actually want to talk about him today. I gave her an agreeing smile.

"Speaking of. Where is he? He has come to our table for the last weeks." Vilde asked looking at me as if I should know everything about him all the time. I shrugged my shoulders, when Noora began to speak.

"There was a fight yesterday between the Yakuza guys. I wasn't able to really talk to William since then but I think he wanted to come to school today still."

"Did anyone get hurt?" I couldn't help but wonder if Chris was okay.

"There are two of the Penetrator-guys in the hospital, I don't know who is tho." Noora explained. If Chris got hurt and couldn't text me after our fight, I... I should have checked on him, right? Ask him if he's fine? Then we heard a car drive up.

William exit the car first, not having a single bruise, and I felt a little relieved. Chris probably wasn't hurt then either, right? I mean William and Chris probably protected each other.

Then on the other side of the car, Chris got out. He was at school. I was relieved to see him, to know that it's not him laying in the hospital. I wasn't able to see his face at first but I gasped quietly when I saw him. His whole right side of the face was bruised.

My leg was shaking, wanting to run towards him and I was really tempted to just hug him and ask if he was fine.

But I didn't. It would be wrong after our fight yesterday, right? And also, I was the one making sure, we don't look like a couple or even friends in public. Stupid idea.

I saw William walking over to us and I prayed that Chris would follow. We held eye contact for two short seconds before he left with the other Penetrator-guys. Shit.

I guess I was just glad, he wasn't in the hospital.

Wednesday, 4:30 pm

Our sushi was brought to our table at exactly half past four. And I was starving. It was an all you can eat buffet.

"Noora, are you okay? What's wrong?" I asked, when I saw her blank face staring at her phone. Something was bothering her.

"I— William just told me that there was a fight with the Yakuza guys but that wasn't it. Some Penetrators were fighting each other and William doesn't know why yet."

"Who?" Sana asked what I thought.

"I don't know. I'm just kind of worried." Noora said with a little exhale.

"Don't be", Eva said. "No worrying today, we're going to enjoy this for once." We agreed with her and started eating. Though we clearly couldn't really stop worrying.

"So Eva, how's everything going with Jonas?", Chris asked after a short silence.

She chewed slower then. "We're not together anymore..." She tried to hide her pain. "Apparently he was in another relationship when we were making out on a party and... Well she saw us and wasn't quite happy about this."

Sana, who was sitting sext to her, held her shoulder. "He doesn't deserve you if he's constantly the reason for your sadness."

Noora disagreed. "Maybe. But maybe you guys should talk again. My relationship with William is only working because we talk about everything. And we still fight a lot."

She looked at everyone, when she said: "A relationship is never all perfect sunshine and rainbows. Sometimes you have to push through hard times and try."

Eva smiled and so did we others. It made me happy to be with them again and really connect. I missed them.

Sana told us, that she almost broke up with Yousef because she thought, he had slept with some girl. She heard him out before that happened tho and realized that she was completely in the wrong and he didn't cheat.

Chris also said that her relationship with Kasper wasn't that easy because he was kind of weird. Yes she said that. She meant that he had also have a lot of moods swings and she found that really exhausting.

After a big fight, they've had sex and everything was fine. Funny how this is 'talking everything through' for her. I had to chuckle at this.

Vilde then said that she didn't have any fights with Magnus yet and Noora pushed her slightly as if she was annoyed at how seemingly perfect they were.

It was adorable to hear about their relationships.

"So Carla. I think you wanted to tell us a little bit about your... thing going on with Chris.", Vilde said, smirking and eating a little piece of sushi.

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