Friday, 2:42 pm

Upstairs, I closed the door and turned around to face him smirking. "She likes me." He said.

"How could she not." I laughed. "You were being so polite."

"She said I was handsome and you agreed." He came closer and held my cheeks.

"Oh don't act like you're not full of yourself already and know that you're hot." I rolled my eyes, while placing my hands on his back.

"Hot yes. You told me that before. But you've never called me handsome. What else am I? I want to hear it all."

He then kissed me. "I'm hot and handsome and nice. I'm polite and your friend. I kind of thought you said that we couldn't ever be friends."

I kissed his soft lips. Those damn perfect lips. "And I mean it. I could never see you as my friend. And you know what I mean by that."

"I don't actually. I really don't, so... care to explain?" He whispered.

There was a knock on the door and I shrieked away from Chris. "Yes?" I said while leaning down to my suit case, so it doesn't look suspicious.

When the door opened and my mother walked in, she looked knowingly smiling at us as if she could tell that we kissed and weren't just friends. "I just wanted to say that I gotta leave now, but I wish you two a wonderful time and I hope you enjoy your trip."

She then hugged me and Chris in an awkward three-people-hug. I looked at Chris who grinned at me. This boy— "Thanks mom, we will. I'll see you in a few days!"

"Text or call me if there's anything, alright?" I said yes while she walked out the door, smirking. I heard the front door fall shut shortly after.

"She's so sweet! Why wasn't I allowed to meet her earlier?" He asked excitedly while moving closer to me again. "Because she will already annoy me now."

He kissed me, picked me up and carried me to my bed. "I think we should study once more before I can't touch you for two hours straight, friend." He placed me carefully on my bed.

"I'd love to. But we gotta leave early, so we can choose the best room for us."

"Mhm. Still got a lot of time for that, Carla." He murmured kissing me. His hands traveled under my shirt and up my body. I held my arms up to help him put it off. I undressed him then and he pulled off my pants, bra and underwear. Then he put on a condom.

"I've never told you how much I love your body." He said kissing my neck. "I crave it. Every second of the day."

I moaned quietly. "You really know what to tell a girl, Chris."

I then turned us around so that I was on top again. "I love your body and only yours, forget other girls, they can't compare to you. Now, tell me something, Carla. Say my name."

I slowly let him enter me. We both moaned and he pulled my mouth on his. "I love your body too, Chris." I said closing my eyes, when we kissed and I felt him inside me. I moved my hips back and forth causing him to moan again.

"I really love how perfect you are." I kissed his neck. "I love that you're so nice." Then I traveled up to his ear with my kisses. "I love the way you talk to me and all the things you say." My body has discovered the perfect rhythm as I moved on his lap.

I reached his mouth with mine and bit his bottom lip a little, causing him to moan. "And most of all, I love your good heart, even if you try to hide it." Then I kissed his lips softly, not ever wanting to stop.

"Fucking hell, Carla." He said moaning. Then he turned me around, not interrupting our kiss or our rhythm. He was on top again and pushed inside me, careful. "And I love the way you roll your eyes at anything dumb I say."

He tried to hold back a moan. I didn't.

"I love the taste of your lips and the way your eyes light up when you're happy." He moved his kisses to my neck and sucked my skin in. "I love the things you say to me when you're drunk." He chuckled, not interrupting the kisses and moving so gentle, it felt like heaven.

I shut my eyes and parted my lips, trying to catch my breath. He doesn't stop pushing inside me. "And I love the way you make me feel, Carla"

I whimpered. This was somehow shattering and healing my heart at the same time. The butterflies were undeniable. He pushed inside me deeper and deeper and I closed my eyes again, holding onto Chris' neck. He was breathing heavily.

I kissed his neck again, causing him to moan and threw my head back in response. "Fuck." I said.

"Carla, I want you to look at me, yes?" He asked and I nodded, trying to. He pushed inside again and I really struggled to keep my eyes open. "Chris?" I said.

He continued pushing inside again and again. "Chris?" I said louder this time.
I breathed hard and he kissed my lips one more time. "I want you to look at me when you're coming", he whispered. And then I trembled.

I screamed his name as I could feel me coming and I moaned loudly. I looked at him before my head fell back and my eyes closed again.

I could feel him tense then too and he finished a few pushes inside me after. He moaned my name in our kiss, when his legs began to shake and he came inside me.

He fell to the side trying to catch his breath. "Oh fuck, Carla." I shook my head breathless. This wasn't like any time before— He didn't fuck me. He made love to me.

Chris Schistad - Couldn't EverWhere stories live. Discover now