Monday, 1:56 pm

We arrived at my house around 2 pm. "Here we are. Ready to let me in?" He smirked like he meant it in more than just one way. I opened the door and when we were inside, I said: "Never." While he probably meant it in a sexual way, I was talking about my heart.

I can't ever let him get too close, let alone let him in.

We were standing in the small entrance. On the right, there were the stairs that lead to the second, also small floor. "Up the stairs, to the right and then the door on the left. Don't expect a big room like yours"

He smiled and followed my directions. I walked in the kitchen and took a water bottle with me. When I entered my room, I saw him sitting on my bed.

"Nothing special, really. But I like it." I said as if I had to defend my room. "Me too", he said and told me with a hand movement to sit down next to him.

I put the water bottle on my desk and sat down on my bed as well. He held his arm around me and kissed my cheek. "Glad to finally get to see your kingdom." He said laughing.

"Just shut up and kiss me already." He did as I told him to. "Can't get enough, hm?" He smiled. "No. But you can't either."

"Absolutely. Never." He said. He laid down on my bed and pulled me beside him. We made out for a couple of minutes before we had sex.

"You're only allowed here to help me study, so how about you tell me something about probabilities and possibilities that maths stuff?"

"Weird kink but okay." He laughed and I pushed his shoulder.

"Alright, alright fine. So..." he drew circles with his fingers on my stomach. "How about I tell you about the possibility that we will have sex again instead of studying for real?"

I rolled my eyes and sat up. I put on my bra and underwear and walked over to my desk.

"If you have to touch me when I'm being so close, because you can't keep your hands off me, then I maybe should sit further away."

He groaned. "Then at least put something on, I can't focus on anything, seeing your fucking perfect body right in front of me." He tried to hide a smile while tossing me his hoodie.

I usually wouldn't wear that, but no one can see me in it anyway so it doesn't make me a trophy. "You really want me to wear your hoodie, hm?" I laughed and pulled it over.

"Nope fuck it. You look equally sexy, wearing my hoodie. Might as well sit naked in front of me." His eyes traveled down my body as he bit his lips.

I put the hoodie off. "You're right. Don't wanna wear a hoodie to be a trophy anyway", then I put on my regular clothes again.

"A trophy?" He raised one eyebrow. "You think that's what you are?"

"No, not as long as I don't wear it." I answered truthfully.

"I don't understand what you're talking about." He said annoyed.

"All the girls in school, wearing the same black hoodie with your name on the back. You know exactly what I'm talking about."

He shook his head, rather in disbelief. "You slept with them and gave them your hoodie." I explained. But he already knew what I meant.

"Yeah no, I did that. Like when I was a first year student. But I don't anymore, and I wouldn't ever have you walk around as a trophy, Carla."

"Okay fine", I rolled my eyes, not wanting to fight but also not believing him. He would definitely let me walk around this hoodie, tolerating what everyone would think, or know we did. "Can we just go back to maths?"

"Mhm", he said, putting on his underwear and pants but leaving the hoodie on my bed. Then he looked at my notes, steadying himself with one arm on the desk and holding the other around my shoulder on the chair. He did that on purpose for sure.

"Oh okay. So what don't you understand?"

Monday, 8:48 pm

We've studied, slept together and studied again.

"So it's 56.81 percent? But isn't that a little too much?" I asked.

"No, because there are the words 'at least'. That means 8, 9, 10 and 11, not only 8, he tried to explain.

"Oh, right. Yeah no, sorry, I understand." I said, pissed that I didn't saw that myself.

"No problem, that's what I'm here for." He smiled. "Plus I can spend a lot of fun time with you, of course."

Looking at the time, ignoring what he said, I realized how long he's been here. "It's almost nine, Chris. When do you want to be back home?" I asked.

"Are you kicking me out?" He laughed, then I heard keys opening the front door. My mom must be back from work. She worked the late shift today.

"No, I— Wait here, I'll greet my mother, so she won't come into my room. Do not! Come. Down." I warned. I couldn't let him meet my mother.

"Okay" he held his hands up as if i was pointing a gun on him. "I'll stay here, promise." Then I walked down.

I greeted my mom, asking about her day and prepared something to eat, because I assumed Chris would be hungry, since he hadn't eaten anything in like 6 hours except for chips.

When I was done, I took the sandwiches upstairs and kissed my mom good night.

I entered the room with my hands full and placed the food on my desk. Chris was meanwhile going though my closet. "What are you doing?!" I whisper-shouted.

"Searching a new dress for the next party." He spoke quietly. "You have some fucking hot clothes in here."

I exhaled annoyed. "I got you something to eat, in case you're starving." I pointed at the desk and sat on my bed.

"I am" he said and moved towards me instead the desk. He kissed my lips softly but I interrupted him.

"If you don't want it, I'll eat it." I said and took it to the bed. I had a bite and he smirked, licking his lips while undressing me with his eyes. "I don't want to know what you're thinking right now, do I?"

He smiled but didn't reply. "If I can't eat you, then fine. I'll stick to normal, boring food." He said, rolling his eyes. Then we ate together in silence.

"Sooo... my mother is back home. She won't come in my room, that's for sure but you would have to leave through my window. She can't see you."

"I will not climb through your window." He rose one eyebrow at me. "Okay fine but you can't leave as long as my mother is awake any other way."

"Then I'll leave in the morning. When she's still asleep."

"So you want to sleep here? In that tiny bed, next to me? I will not sleep on the floor and I assume, you don't want that either."

"No one will sleep on the floor, all right? If your bed is too small, you can still fall asleep on top of me. Nothing that hasn't happened in my bed already. Or you can sleep with me on top of me of course. All. Night." He smirked.

Chris Schistad - Couldn't EverWhere stories live. Discover now