Saturday, 7:52 pm

"I wish I was with you right now." Chris said. "Me too, if only I could punch him." Sana agreed.

"I love you guys, really." I smiled through my tears. "Thank you."

Then they hugged me. "We love you too", Eva said.

I was quiet for a second. As I broke up the hug I looked at Noora. "If you want to, you can tell William because I know that you don't keep secrets from each other, but... can you ask him to not tell Chris that he knows? I don't want him to pick a side. Especially because I don't want there to even be sides.

I know that you're kind of friends with Chris too, all of you, since he had lunch with us and hung around us often, so you guys can still talk. I mean it. This is something between just him and I.

Just tell me please if you're planning on going somewhere, where he might be." I meant every word. I don't want them to hate him. I couldn't hang around him. At least for a while. But that was a decision only I had to make, not my friends.

They looked at each other before agreeing. I don't think that they liked my idea. But I really didn't need them to hate him.

Most of the people were clubbing. I just knew that Vilde, Eva, Noora and I were here. We decided after our endless conversation to watch a few movies in the upstairs living room. Because I wasn't feeling good, I was allowed to pick out the first movie.

I chose 'Inspectable me' because I thought it wasn't related to my situation in any way.

Noora and Eva made popcorn and sat with us while it was getting ready. Vilde and I chose to play Uno to pass the time.

One time, Vilde had to draw 16 cards but she somehow still won.

The popcorn was ready quickly and we started the movie. We sometimes talked during it, like what we would do first if we had all the minions on our side. We were an hour in.

"I would definitely make a plan to rob a few banks. I'd turn evil, just like Gru. And after I got the money, I would fly with you guys to the Maldives, where we would have our own little island. And a beach house." Noora said.

"Oh my god, yes! The house would stand partly in the water and from the kitchen, you could jump into the ocean." Eva added, sitting up and moved her hands explaining.

I smiled at that thought. "But we would also need our own boat to get to the party islands."

"I'm more of a forest-kind-of-girl, I suppose." Vilde tilted her head. "I guess I would want to have a little house in a forest also a little away from people. But I also would have a farm. Magnus lived on a farm with his parents.

He could show me how to take care of something like this. And then we move in there and take care of our little farm." She smiled at looked a little dreamy.

"How about everyone buys their own house and every two months, we all collectively move to the next house. We're six people, so that fits perfect, Sana, Chris and us." I suggested.

"Sounds like a perfect idea. Just where do we get those damn minions now?" Eva laughed and we joined her.

We continued watching the movie. Then I heard someone walk up the stairs and really quiet music. I thought we were alone? Chris walked around the corner and my eyes fell on the table in front of me. Noora paused the movie.

When he saw us, he stopped right where he was and pulled his headphones off that played music on full blast. "Sorry, I—... thought I was the only one that stayed. Just gonna grab some water real quick."

It was quiet and I heard every move he made and every breath anyone took. And I heard my dust-heart racing.

"Sorry 'bout that." He said and left.

He apologized for interrupting a movie but couldn't, when it came to breaking a girl's heart. 'Dick teaser', fuck off. I'll never wear something 'dick teasing' in front of him, ever again.

I was wearing sweatpants and a hoodie. I remembered when he told me that that was equally hot, didn't matter if I was naked or wearing his hoodie. Stupid hoodie. He almost got me—made me a trophy.

"You want to continue the movie or talk?" Noora said with her hand on my back. I shook my head and blinked upcoming tears away. "Play the movie, please."

Then I laid down, me head on Noora's lap and my feet on Eva's. I didn't really watch anything. I just stared through the tv.

He just couldn't leave me alone. Was he doing that on purpose? Why was he still here? I mean, even William and Magnus left to party, and they had their girlfriends here.

After the movie, Vilde said: "I'm very sorry guys, but I didn't get much sleep last night, so I'm really tired. Do you mind if I go to sleep?"

"Me too, actually." Noora agreed with an apologetic face.

"Of course I do not mind? Go get some sleep, it was nice doing such a movie night together." I said. They didn't need to feel bad, they took good care of me all day.

They hugged me and Eva, wished us a good night and walked downstairs.

I turned to Eva, who looked at me smiling. I smiled but I felt kinda uncomfortable doing nothing with my head spinning around this stupid fuckboy downstairs.

"Do you maybe want to do something? Like go swimming or take a walk?"

She nodded. "Rather take a walk, tho. Don't feel like freezing my ass off now." She laughed and I agreed. We took a bag and filled it with a bottle of water and some snacks.

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