I think I sold my soul.

We've been studying for 2 and a half hours now. But I think I'm starting to get better. I just hate history so much.

Chris was a good tutor, tho. Very understanding and funny, except for the sexual comments. I don't know how someone can talk about the ancient Greece and flirt at the same time but he sure as hell managed.

When we were done for today, he asked: "So are you free on Friday?"

"What's on Friday?" I asked before I'd agree on something without thinking about it. I was free but he didn't need to know that, if he suggested something I didn't want to do.

We were between the shelves to put the books away again and he stopped, putting one of the books back on the shelves.

He looked at me and casually put a loose stray of hair behind my ear, while saying: "Another party. You know Robin?"

Somehow this small gesture made my skin tingle. I didn't like my body's reaction to his touch. I know he did that with every girl and that's why they were all falling for a fuckboy like him, but I will not end up like this.

I nodded. I remember Robin. He was the guy that yelled at me because I made him horny but didn't go further. He thought I had a crush on Chris. I had to smile at that thought. Absurd.

"He's hosting and of course all Penetrators will be there but we were supposed to invite some people. I was wondering if you'd like to come?"

I don't know if it's such a good idea to go to a party with Chris. Especially when the person hosting thinks I have a crush on him. I wouldn't mind a party tho.

"If I can bring my bus too, I'll think about it." I said. I don't want to go to that party with Chris and I don't think he wants potential hookups to think we have a thing either so it might be a good idea to bring friends of mine at least.

"You can bring them if you promise now to be there.", he smirked. He might think he has to convince me to go but I'm pretty sure I want to anyways.

I pretended to be annoyed and said: "Fine." A smile creeped on his face but he licked his lips to hide it.

We've already put every book away again, but I was still curious on why he wanted to help me study. He isn't that kind of person that simply wants to help others.

Friday, 7:30 pm

I was meeting my friends at the party, we weren't coming together. That's probably why I was exactly on time for once. Robin opened the door with a strange expression of surprise.

"Hey", I said, "Hope you don't mind me coming. I'm a plus one from Noora, William's girlfriend." I partly lied.

He shook his head and got out of the way. "I don't mind of course. Glad you're here. Kitchen is to the left and on the right and the bathrooms are down the hall on the left or upstairs, first door on the right. Enjoy the party, we'll talk later, yes?"

I nodded and walked inside his huge house. I was pretty sure I was the first one of my friends and the house wasn't that crowded yet. That's probably why it only took two minutes for Chris to see me.

He smirked and came my way. "You actually came.", he said.

"I made a promise. And I kind of owe someone in here because he helped me with my history exam today. I'm pretty sure I rocked it by the way."

"Of course you did. So how about a drink?", he said and already led me to the kitchen.

Friday, 8:16 pm

Sana was the last one to arrive. Vilde and Eva were already competing on who could drink a beer faster. I bet I'll see them make out again later. Funny how their boyfriends don't mind.

Chris and I were talking a lot when I arrived and told him about the history exam. It was actually a nice and decent conversation like— is it really possible? — like he was a normal human being.

When Noora and William arrived and found us, they were grinning as if they already guessed that Chris and I would be talking. Anyways, I was leaving Chris for just five minutes to go talk to Robin. One look back to where he was standing and he already made out with a girl. I just shook my head and laughed at it.

"So Carla, how have you been? After the party two weeks ago, I wanted to apologize to you for being such an asshole but you were nowhere to be found at school." Robin said.

"Yeah, I wasn't in school. Felt a little sick for a week.", I explained shortly.

"Well I'm sorry. Really am. I shouldn't have pressured you to sleep with me, I completely respect you for not wanting to. I just— I know being drunk is not an excuse but.. yes I'm sorry"

He looked sad and I felt kind of bad for him. Not that I did something wrong but because he actually looked honest.

"It's okay, I appreciate your apology." I smiled. Of course it was never okay to pressure someone to sleep with you but his eyes held an honesty that made it easier to forgive. Also it was just to much effort to hold a grudge on someone I barely even knew.

"Thank you." He smiled as well and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. "I'm gonna go get a drink. You want something?" He licked his lips while looking at mine which felt inappropriate somehow.

I told him that I didn't but thanked him anyway and left to go dancing. I loved how there were party songs from the early 2000th playing. They were the best, don't even try to argue with me about that.

So I held my hands up and jumped along with other people, screaming the lyrics. That has always been the best part of a party. When there was good music that you could scream to. Feels so amazing.

Chris Schistad - Couldn't EverWhere stories live. Discover now