Saturday, 10:20 pm

When the movie was over, the group sat on a couch in the halls of the cinema before everybody would go home. It was a fun night and everyone agreed on that.

"Oh my god, this was a great movie, I almost shit my pants, it was so scary." Berg said. "Oh common, you can't fool anyone here. I think even the guys in the first row noticed how you guys basically ate each other" I laughed.

"Yeah, but I still saw the movie! Parts of it..." She was raising her shoulders and we all laughed with her.

"So, I think we should spend some time together again. You know, there's only one week of school left before the holidays, and I wanted to spent some time at our lake house.

It's pretty big. We can fit around 12 people in 3 rooms with 4 beds. And there is an attic and a basement, where technically is more space, if some people bring something like a sleeping mat or a sleeping bag. There'll definitely be enough blankets and pillows.

Do you guys maybe wanna come for a few days?" William offered. I really liked that idea. It's like a school trip but with only the best people, so it must be really fun.

I immediately nodded. "Absolutely." Vilde agreed. "Yes one hundred percent. Who's gonna be there tho?"

"Well wait." He put out his phone. "I thought about us, that would be eight already, then Eva and her boyfriend... or whatever they are right now, Sana and her partner"

"He's not in town." Vilde said.

"Then just Sana. Noora's friends Eskild, Linn and Isak plus Isak's partner. That would be 16. Then whoever wants to join, maybe some of the Penetrators and their girlfriends."

"Sounds like a lot of people." Magnus said. "Can I bring Mahdi too? He's a friend of mine, Jonas and Isak."

"I guess so. I don't expect everyone to come, because it's pretty spontaneous."

"Uhm, yeah.. About that. Me and Kasper can't. We've kinda already planned a trip, I'm very sorry guys."

"Oh noo, but— can't you stay for at least a day or so?" Vilde asked.

"Not really. We're gone for the whole holidays..." Chris made an apologetic face. "But it's okay, really. We'll have fun too, you guys can party all you want. We'll still be in touch and we can FaceTime."

"We will." Noora promised.

William looked around "So everybody else here is in?" I nodded and the others agreed. "Good. I'll make a group with everyone I think is coming."

"Good, uh... But I think we'll go now, I got some... stuff to do." Kasper said smiling, looking at his girlfriend. "'Stuff' has a name, you know." She said and we all laughed.

"Alright, I think we'll leave as well." Noora said and Vilde agreed.

I looked at Chris. "Yeah, I'm kind of starving, so I think I wanna eat something." He smirked at me and I tried to hide a smile.

"We just ate before the movie?" Vilde said confused, then Magnus whispered something in her ear. "Ohhh, never mind." Then we laughed again and said our goodbyes.

Before he started driving, our phones vibrated.

William Shakespeare added you to the group 'Lakehouse holiday'

William added Noorganization, Hot stuff, Mathvilde, InSana, For Evar, Jonas, Isak, Magnus, Even, Linn and Eskild

William added Mahdi, Borkis, Julian, Henrik, Theo, Robin, Emma, Sophie, Lara and Erik

William removed Robin

Hey guys! So I'm planning on having something like a party/sleepover or anything in the following holidays. I'd be glad to have you guys there. It'd be great if some of you could bring sleeping bags or something but we can discuss that in private. If you want to bring someone else, tell me early enough so I can count them in.

Also if you can't or don't want to come. Just text me and leave the group chat so it's easier for me to organize.

Linn left the chat

InSana left the chat

"How does William always have everybody's number?" Chris laughed.

I chuckled. "So,..." I put my phone in my pocket and he did the same. "What are we doing now?"

He leaned closer to me. "How about this?" Then he kissed me. "Oh how much I wanted to do this all day."

I smiled. "You can now."

"If only you would let me do this in front of others."

"If we did that, then—" Suddenly someone knocked on our window and I jumped. I saw Vilde looking directly at us.

I opened the door and asked what's wrong. "Well the bus we wanted to take doesn't drive at this time anymore. If it's not too much effort, could you take us with you a little?" Vilde asked.

I looked at Schistad who bit his lips and looked at Vilde. "Alright... Yeah sure, okay. Get in." He didn't look so happy about it, tho.

As we arrived at Magnus', they thanked us again and Chris just nodded smiling. "No problem" he said and drove off as soon as they were gone.

"So... do you... want me to leave?" His eyes were completely focused on the road as he asked.

I shook my head slightly. "Not really", I admitted. "Do you want to leave?"

"Never." Then it was quiet again. "Do you want me to drive to your house?"

"Yes." I stared. I knew that I was watching him for a few seconds too long but I didn't care. There was something about him today that... just seemed strange, but looking at him was somehow peaceful.

I knew it wasn't a good sign that this butterfly-feeling was back. I really tried to ignore it, that's why I was so rude to him today, but I couldn't shake it off this time.

"If I was you, I'd be staring at me too, but I think I'd be more subtle about it." He smirked.

"And where's the point in that?" I asked. "I know you like it and I do too, so why hiding?" I continued staring.

Chris Schistad - Couldn't EverWhere stories live. Discover now