Saturday, 5:25 pm

I was excited to do more with William, Magnus and Kasper as well.

Chris and I were sitting on a bench. We were meeting up with the others in five minutes in a Mexican restaurant beside us. I knew they were going to be late probably.

Chris leaned his elbow on his knees, rubbing his hands together, because it was pretty cold outside.

"You know what's funny?" Chris asked, then looked at me. "What?"

"You were the one that was consistent on not doing anything couples do. And here you are, bringing me to hang out with only other couples."

"Yes. That doesn't make you my boyfriend tho." I assured. It did look like it to others tho, I guess.

"Let's see if you'll still say that after our date." He grinned. "This isn't even a date." I explained. We weren't a couple and this wasn't a date.

"Let's see if you'll still say that after,
as well." I just shook my head, smiling because of his consistency. He's messing with me. He probably just wants to prove that he could have any girl, including me.

After they all arrived, we entered the restaurant and were lead to our seats.

Saturday, 7:00 pm

We decided to go to the cinema after eating the way too spicy stuff in the restaurant.

It was funny, seeing every couple arguing about who pays, until Chris paid for both of us without asking me first. I argued with him after. "What are you doing? I wanted to pay for my stuff!" I had said.

"Now you understand the struggle of being in a relationship", Vilde had commented, shaking her head.

"We're not dating." I clarified then but Chris had made it awkward, when he said "Yet." And winked at Vilde.

I had shook my head and told him that I'll pay him back and he had answered: "Nice way of asking me for another date."

I couldn't believe that I still had the nerve to go to the cinema after this but I guess I kind of enjoyed the company and hanging out with my friends and Chris.

I was walking in front of the line to pay for my and Chris' tickets, but he followed and handed the girl at the register the money, again paying for me. "No, no." I told her. "Please. I'll pay."

She then looked up and said: "Oh hey, Chris! It's so good to see you." And I pressed my lips together shoving my money to her. "Heyy... It's good to see you too..." he said.

I bet, he didn't even recognize her.

"How have you been? You never replied to my texts." She said. Take a hint, girl. "Yeahh... I've lost my phone."

I smiled in disbelief and looked up at him. When he saw me, he said: "No actually, I didn't. I'm very sorry, but uh... I'm on a date, so..."

"Oh I see... then here you go. Enjoy the movie" She smiled a little hurt while she looked back and forth between us and handed us the tickets. I managed to pay.

I took them and told her, "Thank you. I love your necklace, by the way." She didn't answer but looked a little happier. "I'm also not his date", I smiled and left.

I handed him the ticket and waited for the others. "There was no point in leading her on." He explained. I nodded.

"You know... You make it really hard for me sometimes to get to know you." He said.

I didn't look at him and said "You too."

When the others got their tickets as well, William and Chris walked a few steps in front of us. I was walking with Noora and talked to her about his strange behavior.

She also acted weird tho and didn't really answered, agreed or denied anything, like she usually would. Why was everyone being weird today?

I told her that I needed to go to the toilet real quick. I detangled my hair as much as possible and made sure my makeup still sat right, after using the toilet.

When I came back, I saw Schistad holding up two big cups and a big bucket filled with popcorn. "I didn't know if you liked your popcorn sweet or salty, but they ran out of salted popcorn, soo... I hope you're fine with sweet?" He asked unsure.

I kind of feel bad for being so hard on him when he was just being nice. I nodded, smiling. "I'd prefer salted to be honest but it's popcorn. Either way, it's good."

He looked relieved. "And there's a Cola light. You had that at the restaurant... Was that right?" I then took it and gave him a side hug, nodding once again.

Female Chris then said: "Should we go now? Film's about to start."

Schistad sat on my right, followed by William and Noora. On my left were Kasper, Berg, Vilde and Magnus. Chris held the popcorn in front of him, still reachable to me. We sat on one of those couple seats, where there wasn't anything between us.

I didn't even know the movie, I just knew it was called "Incantation" or something like that.

"I'm really sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable earlier with this girl." He whispered during the ads. He's apologizing? What even for, he didn't do anything.

"No, it's okay. I know you sleep around a lot. You know I'm fine with it, otherwise I wouldn't have suggested to have a... to have what we have right now."

"I'm still sorry, tho. It's not cool to be confronted by it on a d—" he coughed, "when hanging around."

I slid a little bit closer and put my hand on his, while saying: "But you still have nothing to apologize for. You didn't do anything wrong." And then I ate popcorn and placed my hand on my thigh.

He looked at it and then in my eyes again. "And I'm sorry for not wanting to accept that this isn't a date. But I'll stop if that's what you want."

I leaned my head on his shoulder. "You make it difficult for me, Chris. Everything's always so damn confusing with you."

"I'm sorry. I really don't mean to... but I feel the same about you. You're hard to understand sometimes, Carla."

When the movie began, I stopped leaning on him, but smiled at him first, to assure, that I just want to concentrate on the movie and that it has nothing to do with him.

I already didn't feel good at the beginning of the movie. The way it began with a camera. I don't really believe in ghosts and stuff but I do have some respect of rituals and all that.

We were only like 15 minutes in and my heart was racing— the way the daughter in the movie acted was really terrifying.

Halfway through I realized I held Chris hand. I looked at our interlocked fingers and then up at him. He then looked at me, then our hands and then at me again.

He probably also didn't realize. He grabbed my hand with his right hand and hugged me with his left arm. I looked on my left and saw how Kasper and Berg weren't paying any attention to the movie but eating each other's faces off.

I then looked at Schistad beside me who also grinned at them and shot one eyebrow up, like he was asking me to do the same. I rolled my eyes but leaned my head on his shoulder.

I shrieked because of a jumpscare. This movie was killing me. I felt Chris chuckling beside me and I realized he was laughing at me. I rolled my eyes, wanting to slide away from him but he kept me close. Mouthing a short "sorry" with a half-serious expression.

Alright, not only the movie was killing me.

Chris Schistad - Couldn't EverWhere stories live. Discover now