Monday, 1:30 pm

School ended ten minutes ago and I was waiting for Chris and William with Noora. I told her everything about the last party in just ten minutes and she was shocked.

"He SO has a crush on you, oh my god!" She laughed surprised.

"What do you mean?", I asked. I knew she was wrong but I wanted her to explain.

She shook her head. "I know William very well and he is Chris' best friend. So I do know some stuff about him. Let's just list a few things he did, all right?"

I rolled my eyes but didn't say anything.

"First off, he doesn't flirt with every girl, believe it or not, it's the other way around most of the time. He never chased a girl. If someone insulted him, he never flirted in response. Remember how you called him a manwhore?"

"But that was—" I began.

"I'm not done yet" She laughed "He was never anywhere else during lunch or short breaks in school but the Penetrator table. Except for our table for the last two weeks.

He asked William about your name and he never did that with another girl. Also he came over to our table every day when you were sick, asking if you're back.

He's tutoring you for basically nothing in return. He was jealous at a party, so he threw a drink at you, to get you to stop making out with that other guy.

He's staring at you while making out with other girls. He was the one inviting you to Robins party.

Most importantly— he slept with you knowingly twice. The first time, he fell asleep next to you and the second time, he was laying down next to you, holding your hand after sex!"

She was staring at me with big eyes. "You done?" I asked.

"See it's nothing like that really. I have to admit you have better arguments. I can't really tell you where you're wrong but it's the way he does all these things. It's like he's doing that to either piss me off or make me fall in love with him.

But not because he likes me but because he wants to prove to me that he can break my heart. Also, he tripped, he did spill the drink on accident. And he was worried about me not coming to school because of our little hookup. He just felt bad.

So I'm sorry, but I can't bring myself to truly believe that he likes me."

"Who likes you?", William said.

"Everyone", "Oh no one." Noora and I said at the same time. I smiled at her.

"Where's Chris? We're supposed to study today."

William looked confused at Noora and me. "I think he left school a little earlier. Maybe text him?"

Oh my god he truly stood me up. "I don't have his number."

"No need, I'm here. Just didn't want to go to maths so I didn't go. You ready?" He looked at me and I nodded.

I hugged Noora and William goodbye and ran after Chris. He got in his car and I hesitated to follow. But I did. Why would I not? It's just Chris and me. Alone. In his car.

We drove in unusual silence to his place. He didn't even really look at me or said anything.

When we arrived I saw a huge house in front of me. He got in with his keys and waited for me to follow before he closed the door.

It was stunning. The entrance is probably as big as our living room. It looked so elegant but also kind of lonely with it's simple white walls.

"My room is upstairs through the hall on the right. There is a bathroom across from it and another connected to my room. You'll see.

I'll just get something to drink and snack from the kitchen, I'll be there in a moment."

I nodded and he disappeared somewhere in the house. Why was he acting so strange? But I just followed his directions and went up the stairs. Walking all the way though the hall and opened the last door on the right.

This must have been the prettiest room I've ever seen. I entered and closed the door. I saw the enormous bed and wondered how many girls had slept here with him. I wandered and saw a few pictures on his desk and before I could even have a look at anything, the door opened and he came back in with a tablet.

He held a few chips and two bottles of water. And smiled at me.

"Already going through my stuff, huh?" He said. It was the closest to a Chris-thing to say since we left school.

"As your little stalker, I don't even need to" I referred to the first nick name he gave me when I accidentally interrupted him in the bathroom with a girl.

He smiled. He didn't forget. "Want something to drink or eat before we start?" I shook my head because I was neither hungry or thirsty.

"What a shame. Such a nice bed and you're not hungry for anything"

"Well maybe I will get more appetite after a study session." I flirted back and made myself at home, sitting on the bed.

"Alright, boring but okay. So what are we going to study? Chemistry you said?"

I nodded. He stood up, got his stuff, placed it on the bed and sat down next to me.

I already knew that this wouldn't be easy.

Monday, 3:55 pm

We've studied a lot but it really wasn't easy to concentrate when he was always looking at me from the side. His side profile was gorgeous. I could smell his perfume again and I never noticed how good his hands looked.

Everything about him looked perfect and that made it hard to keep my cool. Also, the way he licked his lips had an undeniable impact on me in combination to his smell and look and presence so near beside me.

"I think I really need a break." He stood up and took a sip of water. "I just can't handle you staring at my lips like this and not press them against yours."

I'm glad that I didn't blush in general, because I would right now. And I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing that he made me feel nervous or embarrassed. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh, I think you do." A smirk appeared on his face. "Well if you changed your mind and got hungry..."

"I'm not. And it's like a reward. When I understand it, I can have a snack, if I don't, then I don't." I flirted back, smirking. I hope I seemed calmer than I really was right now.

He liked his lips again and his eyes closed as if he was thinking about it. Then he nodded. "Well, in that case, I think we should get back to work."

He then sat down on the other side of the bed instead of next to me. "Better to get the snack out of the way to focus better."

I rolled my eyes.

Chris Schistad - Couldn't EverWhere stories live. Discover now