Monday 3:10 pm

I was finishing up my homework when I heard keys opening the front door.

I was silent. Lately it's been hard. My father was barely at home and he was moving out. Everything was already packed and paid and everything.

At home my mother would always scream at my father and the other way around. To make it quick— my aunt has a really bad brain tumor. It's very stressful for my parents. She's been in the hospital for a while now.

But the doctors say that there is a chance for her to heal. She's one of the strongest women I know.

The doctors said that she was a miracle. Maybe they said that about all patients but I truly did believe it. She has fought so long. We are lucky that our family has enough money to pay for all that but what is lucky even, when you have a really sick family member.

My grandparents have died a long time ago. I couldn't even remember it. And my aunt has no one except our small family. I like her, and I'm glad to see her again this Friday, but at the same time, I really hate to see her like this. I remember the time before all that.

I just miss that time. We didn't really spent a lot of time together, because I was busy with school and friends and also, to the hospital it was a one and a half hour drive and I didn't even have a drivers license yet. But I was glad to see her again.

Friday, 4:02 pm

"And then they just made out on the stairs, can you believe it?!" I laughed while telling Susanna about Eva and Jonas being back together. Now officially by the way. They 'talked' again on Wednesday and he called her his girlfriend.

"Ah young love. I remember when I was your age. I was once very pretty, you know. Nearly as pretty as you are." She smiled at me while brushing a loose stray of my hair back. "The guys were all over me!"

"Oh Susanna, you're still very pretty. And of course I believe that. With that charm of yours."

Because of the brain tumor her spelling was not always correct, but we could still understand her most of the time.

"So tell me about you? Is there any guy you like?", she wiggled with her eyebrows that made me laugh. I honestly shook my head no, tho.

She made a disbelieving face. "No, no! You got to tell your aunt! It's your duty as a niece, you know? I bet all the guys are chasing you, but who is it, that you want?"

I smiled at her and laid my head on my hands looking at her, still. "There really is no guy. I mean, I do like to— you know have fun."

I winked at her. I knew she would understand. My parents would go crazy if they even thought about me having sex and not being in a relationship. Susanna smiled understanding and waited patiently for me to continue.

"Last Friday, I kissed a guy drunk on a party. It ended there tho. And this week has been pretty weird. You know one of the hottest guys in school has been flirting with me constantly. I think he's just mad that I won't sleep with him because he's a fuckboy."

My aunt laughed. "Oh I see. Well maybe— if you don't want a relationship, go for it. I mean I was always sleeping around, when I was your age. Especially with the hot guys."

I smiled. I could imagine Susanna flirting with the hot guys perfectly. She was a free spirited woman that knew her power over the guys. I saw pictures. I know she still looks stunning but she was literally breathtaking back in the days. It was easy to imagine that she got all the guys wrapped around her finger.

"You're right but the problem is that he always gives girls he hooked up with one of his hoodies like the girls are a trophy to him. I don't know, I kind of hate him."

"I understand. Well people can change but also, don't expect them to. I don't know, I shouldn't tell you to go have sex with the bad guys but if you do, then just make sure, you keep your crown and walk around with pride. Don't wear a hoodie to be a trophy."

I smilied at her. „Promise." She was right, of course. But no need to worry, I was never. ever. going to sleep with Chris. Ew.

When she asked me to see a picture, I showed her his instagram profile. "Yep. I would definitely go for it if I was your age."

Thursday, 10:35 am

We wanted to go visit my aunt today again but she wasn't feeling so good and she was sleeping most of the day. My parents wouldn't let me go to the hospital with them when she wasn't feeling good. She had been diagnosed five years ago and in all that time, it happened a lot that I couldn't visit her.

But I knew she was fine. I kind of felt distant to her. Over the years, it felt like we couldn't communicate like we used to, sadly. She was still my aunt, but it was different, somehow now.

I was sitting with the girls. And as usually, they talked about russ bus stuff. I was not really listening tho because I just had a biology test and I was thinking of how I failed. I studied a lot for this but I just sucked at biology.

My grades dropped this year and I was kind of scared that I might—

"Carla?", Vilde waved in front of my face and interrupted my thoughts. She had a concerned look and I realized I didn't eat anything yet. I just stabbed my salad. "Yes?"

She asked if I was okay and I nodded smiling. "Just had a biology test I probably failed. I hate biology" I said with tight lips.

"I can tutor you", someone from behind offered. I rolled my eyes, knowing damn well who it was.

I turned around and saw that his pretty face was only inches away. He had leaned down and my heart skipped a beat. I froze for a second before backing up a little. He was so close, I could smell his perfume. I liked it, not gonna lie. Didn't change the fact that he was still the annoying Chris Schistad.

"Can you just stop being such a creep?" I asked.

"Can you just hook up with me?" He grinned. Ew. Immediately wanted to throw up. Who even says something like that?

"I would rather eat my puke."

"If you're hungry, you can just eat my d-"

"How do you do that?" I interrupted seriously disgusted. He's so weird. "Do what?"

"Turn everything into something sexual. Years of experience or does that just come with being Christopher Schistad?"

He looked amused and I was not having it.

"It comes naturally when talking to someone that sexy."

He did it again. I rolled my eyes and turned around to face the table again. Over the week, the girls just stopped listening to Schistad and my conversations cause it made them feel uncomfortable as well. They think I should just hook up with him.

I felt his breath on my neck. He leaned down and I felt his presence in my whole body. He whispered: "I mean it. You're goddamn sexy. And I'm glad you're coming to my party tomorrow." And then he left.

Chris Schistad - Couldn't EverWhere stories live. Discover now