42 - The end

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Sunday, 12:00 am

I arrived around midnight, like ten minutes after William's text and I already heard people yelling. I rushed out of the car and ran towards the crowd of people, seeing how all of our people, except for Emma, Lara, Iben, Isak and Erik were pushing and shoving and hitting and kicking a few other guys and got punched as well.

What the fuck? Isak laid on Ibens lap and Erik's nose bled bad.

I screamed at Erik and the others to get in my car now and try to fit as many people as possible. I tried to break up a fight but ended up getting punched bad in my stomach an then my face. I wiped it and saw blood.

"You fuckers, you're dead" I said and punched the other guy.

Then we saw blue and red lights and heard a siren. Someone has called the cops. Fuck.

The fight broke up and some people were running away, but I stopped William. "Where are you going?" I yelled.

"The cops. You gotta leave!" He said. Then he stopped Even, Eskild and Henrik. "Take them with you. I'll find the others and get out of here."

I nodded and ran to my car. We somehow managed to fit nine people in a car with five seats. I just drove away fast. "Someone care to explain what the fuck happened?" I asked.

I was quiet at first before Even spoke. "Some guy saw Isak and me making out... Isak's unconscious now." He said. I heard fire in his voice. Oh fuck. As soon as the car stood still, I jumped out and opened the door, which was closest to Isak.

I checked his pulse and breathing, then grabbed him from Emma's lap, and took him to the couch in the entrance. "He doesn't need CPR but we should call an ambulance." I told Even.

"Already did. They'll be here in a few." Even said and ran around the room, probably feeling useless and impatient. I held his arm. "Hey, hey. It's going to be fine. Those fuckers will get what they deserve." He nodded and tried to breathe slower.

"I'll go call William real quick, you take care of Isak and if you need any help, I'm just outside." Then I dialed his number.

The other first years, Jonas, Mahdi and Magnus, and Borkis, Julian and Theo were still missing.

"Where are you?" I asked as soon as he answered.

"Got another six people. We're coming now. Is everyone else back then?" He asked.

I counted in my head and sighed relieved. "Yes, everyone's here. Isak will be away probably, the ambulance has arrived." I went inside.

"Fuck. Alright I'll be there in five." I hung up and put my phone in my pocket. "The ambulance arrived, should I?" I asked Even if I should grab Isak, but he shook his head and walked out with Isak. I followed him to make sure, everything's fine.

I was standing next to Even, when the people in uniform jumped out, grabbed Isak and looked at me. "What happened? You're coming with us, right?"

"I fell. And no, I'm fine. Isak needs help." I gestured to the unconscious person and then nodded towards Even. "And he's the boyfriend, he can come too, right?"

The guy nodded. "You look pretty bad, tho, we should check on you too."

"No, it's a little chaotic and stressed here. Gonna go to the hospital later or tomorrow." I lied. It was probably not that bad anyway.

Chris Schistad - Couldn't EverWhere stories live. Discover now