Friday, 5:32 pm

We were all at Noora's and almost ready to go to the party that was starting at 6 pm. Noora was applying the red lipstick that suites her so well, Eva was putting on eyeliner— or at least she tried to and Vilde and Sana were talking about some russ bus stuff. I was straightening my hair.

After that, I put my hair in a half up, half down style and let two pieces of hair fall into my face. I just know they will annoy me later but I didn't care yet.

"Uh! They just won't be the same!", Eva sighted, referring to her eyeliner that looked different on both sides. Sana rolled her eyes and said: "Alright, come here." She then helped Eva.

I smiled while I put on mascara. I loved how Sana always pretended to be mean and to not care but actually, she had a pure heart.

Noora helped me put on my necklace and said: "You look stunning, Carla. Every guy will drool over you."

She was just such an angel. "William must be the luckiest man alive." With a sweetheart like her, of course he was.

I was wearing a black dress with long sleeves that was still showing a lot of shoulders. The dress endet directly above my knees. I felt like I looked cute.

Friday, 6:17 pm

We were a little late but that didn't matter since it was just a party. Noora couldn't find her keys so we searched the whole house. We ended up finding them in her jacket pocket.

At least we were here now.

William and Penetrator Chris greeted us at the door. Noora gave William a quick kiss and they immediately disappeared into the crowd.

Chris stood by the entrance and gave every single one of us a dirty look. I was the last one to get in, so I felt his eyes on me for longer. This guy was just—

I don't even have the words for him. I won't bother.

I followed Vilde inside, since I was directly behind her and we were already making our way to the kitchen.
She grabbed a beer and I made myself a drink with vodka and cola. I loved it, plus it was easy enough to make.

I'm terrible in every way in the kitchen— doesn't matter if it's about cooking or baking or simply making drinks.

Vilde drowned that beer in such a short time and already got another one. I gave her a questioning look. "What? I just wanna enjoy myself tonight. And I still haven't seen M— never mind. See you!"

And bye bye Vilde. Amazing.

I decided to take my drink to the crowded living room so I could sit on the couch and just observe my surroundings. The alcohol wasn't doing it's thing yet so I didn't feel like dancing now.

I took a sip of my drink and saw Noora and William dancing in the middle of the crowd and Magnus and Vilde making out like crazy.

I felt someone sitting down beside me and realized it was Sana. "You know, sometimes I wonder how you can be here sober. Even drunk, I feel bored most of the time." I said. She smiled at that.

"It's funny to watch you drunk. And I just feel better being able to take care of you guys— even if it's just for a short time like today. I actually gotta leave already. Because we were already late, you know?"

I nodded and hugged her. "I'll tell the others. You have fun with Yousef and tell him Hi from me, alright?"

She nodded, since it was so loud and exhausting to actually talk in here. Then she got up and left. After I told Noora, who didn't drink today, I realized that I already drank my drink and decided to go get a new one.

In the kitchen I wanted to pour me another drink but two people made out directly in front of the bottles.

I can't say I was surprised to see that it was Chris Schistad and some girl. I coughed, trying to get their attention but it didn't work. They didn't even care when I tapped their shoulders so I simply pushed them away roughly.

"Someone is jealous, huh?" Chris said, rolling his eyes.

"Someone's a manwhore, huh?", I murmured. I didn't even look at this guy so I wasn't even sure he was talking to me, but considering I pushed him, he probably was.

"What was that?", he said. Now looking at him, I saw the girl rolling her eyes and Chris looking directly at me.

"I'm sorry", I said and then spoke up louder and slower, "I said, 'Someone's a manwhore'" I smiled fake.

"Looks like someone's got some issues.", he spit back. Oh wow, this was going to be interesting.

"Looks like someone's gotta compensate his small 'issue' with a big ego.", while looking down on him. I'm now fully turned to him, ready to shoot. Oh how much I hated this guy.

Instead of an angry reaction, which I expected, he started to smile a little and said "Maybe you're lucky enough to find out how big 'it' really is"

I couldn't hide my disgusted face. "Maybe you're lucky enough to find out how bad a kick in the—"

"Okay what the fuck?" The blond girl interrupted our little discussion. She turned to Chris again. "So are we gonna fuck now or are you continuing to flirt with this chick?"

She called me a chick? Wow. And flirting? Please, no way.

"Let's go", Chris told her. "You're always welcome to join", he whispered in my ear as he was grabbing a drink from behind me. I pushed against his chest and rolled my eyes. Then he disappeared smirking.

I changed my mind about my drink. I'm going for shots now. So I drowned two vodka shots and decided to join the people dancing.

Friday, 10:22

So that's what I did. I did have to pee later so I decided to go and look for the bathroom. I should know by now where it is, but every time I'm at William's I'm drunk and I kind of forget every single time. I did remember where the kitchen is tho.

I went upstairs and knocked on a lot of doors, tried to open them and realized they were closed so I decided to skip the knocking part— dumb I know, but let's just blame it on the alcohol— and of course I had to open the one door, I wasn't supposed to open.

No other guy than Chris Schistad was with a brunette girl- so someone different then the one a few hours ago. I quickly murmured an apology, closed the door and checked for the bathroom again.

Chris Schistad - Couldn't EverWhere stories live. Discover now