Friday, 10:30 pm

When I finally found the bathroom, I was glad see that it was empty. I locked the door right away and went on the toilet. After washing my hands, I went downstairs and found Eva and Jonas kissing by the stairs.

I was kind of proud, even if she did look very drunk but who cares.

Apropos drunk. I'll do another vodka shot I think.

Saturday, 12:46 am

I have no idea who this guy is but I'm pretty sure he just ate McDonalds. It tasted good tho and I was kind of hungry. I was just too lazy to actually get something to eat so I guess the taste of his lips was enough.

I was sitting on his lap on the couch and I think I'm almost eating his lips. I was pretty sure he was one of the Penetrators. Robert? I think.

To be honest I wasn't really aware of how much alcohol I had but my vision was blurry and my lips were numb. But the lip-thing could have other reasons too.

I rolled my eyes as I heard my phone in my bag. I took it out and held it to my ear.

"Hey?", I said. Then chuckled as I realized I hadn't answered. When I did, I repeated what I said.

"Hey uhm... I kind of want to crash here. Have you had drinks or can you drive?", Noora said on the other line.

I laughed. Me? Naaa, I didn't drink.

"Heyyy. Uhm kind of in the middle of s'mething 'nndd yeaa.. I did drink.. like.. mhhh... four or wive shots and a little vodka cola... but I'm fineee. I just don't should drive I th—Wait no. I just don't think I should drive."

"Oh my god where are you?" I could tell she was worried but why would she be? I'm perfectly fine.

"Uh I'm fine, weally. Soneom- someone is taking good care of me—"I looked at the guy and he told me his name. It wasn't Robert, oopsss.

"See, Robin is a friend of your boyfend and he's a Penetrator. See if he's worthy of that name" I winked and realized after that Noora couldn't see me. Then laughed at myself.

"So either I drive you home, but I'm not sure that's a good idea in your.. state of mind right now or we all sleep here, I mean William's place is big enough, I guess."

"Yeah noo, let's..." i took a deep breath, feeling tired, "let's stay here. He has a nice home." Then I hung up before she could say anything.

Then I smiled at Robin. "Where were we?"

He smirked "You wanted to see if I deserved being called Penetrator."

I smiled while kissing him. "Mhm. Right." Then I whispered: "You wanna go upstairs?"

I felt him standing up and holding me in his arms and he nodded in our kiss. I'm still hungry tho.

We made— He made our way through the crowd of drunk, sweaty, dancing people and suddenly he stopped.

Maybe I'm too heavy to carry up the stairs. He let me go and looked right behind me so I followed his gaze. I met Noora's and William's eyes on both me and Robert. No Robin. I just smiled at them and turned around to Robin.

"So what are you waitn for hm?" I asked.

"I don't think we should do this" Then he left me with one last look to William.

I turned around to look at them now. "What de fuck?"

"Carla, I just think it's better if you don't hook up drunk with some stranger. It's best if—", Noora tried to explain.

"That's SO unfair! You get dick all the time but I don have a boyfend! I just want a hookup, nothing dramatic, geez" William's eyes widened just before he left to let Noora and me have a little chat.

It was not fair! Why can't I sleep with somebody, it's no big deal. I'm not a virgin anymore and I can take care of myself. But everyone is trying to take care of me! I felt like crying.

Okay I knew I was being dramatic and extra for no specific reason. I wasn't even really turned on by this Robert guy, I just felt like causing drama.

"No, I— you can- I'm sorry but I just want you to be safe. And I'm worried about you when you're drunk all right?", Noora wanted to explain.

Me being the dramatic drunk as always, started crying and made a bigger deal out of it. But it's fun.

"You don't respect me and my deshisns! Des- deshins-"


"Yes! You just want me to be alone don't you! You all have someone but I just want to hookup because why not?! I— if that was not Robert but"


"If it had been someone else, it would be the same... bad. I can't make out with anyone I know because I only know your boyfriends and I can't make out with no stranger either! Well I— I forgot were I was."

"How about we go get some sleep, huh?" Noora asked.

"Yes but I am still so mad at you!" I screamed. I really loved being dramatic.

"Okay, I understand. I'll just—"

"Nooo, I'll go alone. Night Noora, I hope you don't get dick tonight because I didn't either because of you!" And with that I left her there. I saw that she tried to not laugh what made me feel relieved.

Maybe I was being a little bitch about this.

So I got up the stairs and went into the bathroom to pee. But as I entered it—

"Are you sewious now! I have to go to the toilet so please leave! You can go make out sonew— somewhere else." How is it possible for some bitch like Chris to get at least three girls in just— i don't know how long it's been— but in just a few hours and I don't?! I mean boys. Why can't I get boys?

"I love that you're trying so hard to sleep with me, little stalker, but you gotta respect my privacy."

"Out!" Is all I managed to say. I threw my hands in the direction of the door and hit it accidentally against it. Ouch.

He held his hands up in defence and left. The girl pushed me with her shoulder out of the way and followed. What a bitch. The perfect couple.

I peed and washed my hands and tried to rub my makeup off which was surprisingly easy. Then I found an empty bedroom.

I considered sleeping in that dress but decided that was way to uncomfortable. So I took it off and went to sleep with just my underwear.

Chris Schistad - Couldn't EverWhere stories live. Discover now