Friday, 7:13 pm

Chris and I ate McDonald's after making out. When we arrived at his house again, we continued making out. We then had sex. Then again in the shower. That was interesting, I've never done it there.

I was getting ready in his bathroom after. I'm glad I didn't forget anything except for my blush, but that wasn't necessary anyway.

I put on the dress, I brought with me. A white one with no sleeves. It was really short and complimenting my body. I let my locks dry with no heat, only applying my makeup to finish my look.

"When are you ready? We're nearly an hour late already." I heard Schistad through the door.

"Well you have only yourself to blame. You needed to join me in the shower." I argued but opened the door.

"Don't act like y— woah." He interrupted himself, checking out my outfit. "Oh fuck, this dress is absolutely a problem."

I was about to start a fight about choosing what to wear myself, when I looked down and understood what he meant.

"Well you get rid of your problem yourself real quick. I'll wait here." I said and he groaned.

Friday, 7:46 pm

We arrived at the party more than an hour late but we didn't really care. When I saw my people, I told Chris "I'll go over there to my friends. Enjoy the party."

Then I went to the group of girls in the living room and hugged everyone. "Hey where have you beeeen?", Eva asked, already tipsy, "You look hot by the way."

"I was hanging out with Chris." I admitted, not giving away too much.

"Ouhhh and what did you do?" Chris wiggled with her eyebrows.

"Well we talked. A lot. And made out. A lot. And we had a lot of sex. We're good again."

Eva clapped happily in her hands, then took my hand. "We gotta get you something to drink." My eyes searched for help in my friends as she was dragging me behind her. But she was just adorable.

She made me a drink and handed it to me. "I tried something new!" She looked excited. "Try!"

I slowly nipped and I could only taste the alcohol. "It's— strong"

"Yeah kind of but it's to enjoy the party! So drink up and let's dance!" And again she was dragging me behind her. When we stood in the middle of the dance floor, we both danced like crazy, laughing the whole time. It felt— somehow refreshing and nostalgic.

I drank up my drink— probably way too fast but I didn't care, I wanted to enjoy this today.

Eva and I drank another two of her drinks in a very short time and I started to feel the alcohol. Strongly.

"Eva. I love these drinks. You'll be my bartender from now on."

"Pleasure. Wanna make out?" She asked and kissed me before I could even say anything. I was drunk so I made out with her. I'm not even into girls. I once tried something with a girl but it just wasn't for me.

Making out with Eva drunk was fun, tho. I bet Eva's bisexual, but she never said anything, so I will not say that I'm sure.

I shrieked up when someone screamed "Boo!" and Eva and I stopped to look at female Chris. She laughed her ass off. "Oh my god, Carla, you're her next victim?

But Eva could you make me something strong with—" Chris asked and I was already not paying attention anymore. I downed my glass.

Looking around, I saw Schistad, making out with a girl. Something felt weird about this, even if it shouldn't. I went to the dance floor. If he can make out with someone, then I can too.

I saw a cute guy on the dance floor, took his hand and pulled him out of the crowd.

"Oh hey! I know you, what was your name again? Clara, Clary?"

I then noticed that it was that guy with the perfect lashes from last time. "Carla, and you were..." I just couldn't remember his name. "Julian"

"You wanna make out?" I asked flatly.

He tried not to laugh but shrugged his shoulders and nodded "Sure. Why not?"

So he leaned down, put my hands over his shoulders and kissed me. When he grabbed my thighs, he carried me to the kitchen counter and i swung my legs around him.

I remembered when I did this in the bathroom with Chris. He was the better kisser.

We made out like this for a few minutes, then I looked around out of boredom without interrupting my kiss. Of course Chris was looking at me now, making out with a girl. He stared at me with challenging eyes while he moved his hands to the ass of the girl.

Oh, he wants to challenge me? Two can play this game. Julian's back was directly toward's Chris. I started to kiss Julian's neck, making him tilt his head to the side.

Seeing Chris, I saw a little fire in his eyes. He picked up the girl and pushed her against a wall, where he could still see me. Well played.

Then Julian planted kisses on my neck, moving to my shoulders and to my chest. I tilted my head slightly back, moaned quietly. I admit I was faking it a little. Whatever game this was, I'd be winning it.

Chris now started to kiss the girls shoulder and neck as well. Sucking on her skin with her tongue. It pissed me off somehow, even if I didn't want to admit it.

I was going to play my final card. I looked at Chris, when I whispered in Julian's ear: "Wanna get somewhere private?" Then I pulled back to look at Julian smirking. I was drunk and kind of turned on, so why not go for it?

He helped me down and grabbed my hand. To get to the bedroom we had to pass Chris directly.

I smirked wickedly at him, like a winner. He tried to grab my hand and stop me but I pulled away and walked upstairs with Julian.

Chris Schistad - Couldn't EverWhere stories live. Discover now