Saturday, 4:02 pm

I woke up with the worst headache ever and I immediately ran to the toilet to puke. I groaned.

I hadn't succeeded, trying to forget what happened last night and it also hadn't been a dream. Chris was now again the guy I hated, like in the beginning. Turned out I judged him for a good reason. Or at least it's justified now. I shouldn't have trusted him in the first place.

When I was done and opened the door, Eva stood in front of the door with water and aspirin and a sorry face. "How do you feel?" She asked.

I took the pill and drank the water. "Dead." Then I walked over to sit on my bed. My head was pounding.

"Do you remember everything?" She asked and I nodded. "Sadly." Then I put my head in my hands, as if that would help the pain.

"I don't— exactly know what happened and... neither does Noora, but... we'll listen if you want to talk."


She just nodded and held my back. "I'll go eat. If you want to join us, we're grilling."

Then I was the one to nod. "I'll be there in a few minutes." When she left the room, I got ready. My eyes were bloodshot. I brushed my teeth and tried to cover my dark eye bags. I put on mascara and put my hair in a bun. Then I put on a loose dress.

I wanted to look pretty. I didn't want to admit to myself that it was to show off to Chris but I was lying to myself and that I was sure of.

I walked outside to the others that eyed me. Theo stood up, walked over to me and held his hand on my back. He whispered: "You know, you're the only person that can party like yesterday and look as good as this the day after." He said and I smiled at that. At least someone noticed.

Jonas held a plate in front of me with sausage and meat skewer and a lot of stuff. I took a sausage and thanked him.

I began eating, even though I wasn't hungry. "Some of us will go to the city after. You wanna join?" Theo asked quietly. I smiled and answered: "I'd love to but my head still kinda hurts. I'll stay here."

He licked his lips and nodded.

I then saw Chris at the corner of my eye but I didn't look at him. He was watching me. He didn't even deserve to look at me.

I heard my phone ringing. I saw that 'Christiano Ronaldo' wanted to FaceTime and I grinned happy.

I picked up and saw Kasper looking confused at the camera. "Hey, Chris?" I said laughing. "No, no here's Kasper." He confirmed and I just laughed louder.

"I can see that. Can't you see me?" I asked smiling. Then Chris took the phone. "This guy just told me that he doesn't know FaceTime."

"No way!" I said laughing. "How does he survive in the real world?"

"Easy.", she said. "He doesn't." And we both laughed.

"Hey look, this is Theo." I showed her and she just smiled confused and greeted him.

"Wait, I'll look for Eva, Noora and Vilde. You try to add Sana to the call." I said. I kissed Theo on the cheek and was confused myself why I just did that. "Sorry" I mouthed. And walked away to find my friends.

"Eva, look, it's Chris and Kasper! You hold her for a second, I'll find Vilde and Noora." I said and gave her my phone. Then I walked around the table, accidentally having eye contact with asshole-Chris for a second and looking away. In the house I yelled my friends names. Noora ran out of Chris', William's, Theo's and Borkis' room.

"What's up, what's wrong?" She sounded out of breath and her hair was crazy. I had to try hard not to laugh at her.

"First off, I'm sorry about yesterday and we should talk. Secondly. You might want to fix your hair before anyone sees you and thirdly, we're FaceTiming with Chris and maybe Sana. I'll go get Vilde. Just go outside to Eva when you're done." I smiled at her.

I slowly walked down the stairs to the basement and yelled Vilde's name.

"Yea! Wait a second! I'll be up in a second!" She yelled and I also just laughed. "Alright. Come outside, we're talking to Chris and maybe Sana."

We all sat down on the jetty and Chris told us about her holidays. They were somewhere at the beach but it was too cold for them to go into the water. Kasper was a little sensitive to cold.

Sana joined the chat later. She told us that she was skating with Yousef earlier. He was also in the call for a few minutes and he argued with Sana about who's the better skater.

When Chris asked how our trip was, Vilde smiled happily. "Magnus and I are very happy. We're also very in love and making very much love." She clapped like a little kid, which made me smile. Even tho I kinda cringed at the term 'making love'.

"Oh I don't want to hear all the details, Vilde." Sana said with an annoyed look.  "How about you try talking to him, Vilde. That's also a lot of fun."

"But so is sticking my tongue up in his mouth or him going down and sticking his tongue—"

"Enough... Geez, you're strange." Sana said but we saw a little bit of a smile. Vilde nodded. "Thank you."

Then it was quiet. "And how about you guys?" Sana asked the rest of us.

And everyone was eying me. "How long can you guys talk?" I asked. "I might need a little time to explain things."

Chris pushed Kasper away. "Ow? Why?" He said holding his arm. "Girlstalk. I'll find you later." She said. Sana also left in another room so Yousef wouldn't hear anything.

"Now tell me." Sana said.

"Can we go to our room?" I knew I would probably cry and I didn't want to here. So we moved there and I started explaining. From the start, without leaving anything out.

Chris Schistad - Couldn't EverWhere stories live. Discover now