Friday, 6:20 pm

During the ride, we talked about who'll be with who in the rooms. Isak and Even already told William that they got their sleeping bags and were sleeping in the basement with Eskild and whoever else needed a place.

Eva and I also wanted to be in the same room. We decided to not bring Chris and Jonas, but Vilde and Noora because neither of us was sure about our... relationship so to say.

"Well I guess I'll be with William then and maybe Borkis and Theo— other guys from the Penetrators." Chris had said.

The ride was pretty funny, tho. I was sitting on the passenger seat, next to Chris who was driving, so I was in charge of the music. Eva, who was sitting behind Chris, was into the same kind of music as I was, so she was screaming with me to 2000's hits.

Poor Isak was probably deaf by now, since he was sitting in the middle, being screamed at but even Even found it amusing.

I told Eva what movies I had downloaded for a movie's night on my laptop. Turns out, she had the same idea and downloaded almost the same ones as I did. We're really alike.

Chris then said that there's internet anyway and a big television, so if the group was up for it, we could watch movies together— if we could even agree on one.

When we arrived, some music was still playing and I jumped out of the car, dancing, while the music was on full blast. Eva did the same so we danced together and screamed the lyrics as if we were drunk.


Then the music was turned off. "MANEATER M- hey what the fuck, man?" I said.

"Sorry, had to turn off the motor, then the music stops." Chris said. "And also, I saw three birds fall dead from the sky because of your singing talent, so—"

"Asshole!" Eva and I both yelled at him, then looked at each other and started laughing.

"Oh this is gonna be an interesting trip." I heard Even say.

When we all grabbed our stuff, we found the rooms. Eva and I chose the second room on the left because it had two large beds instead of two bunk beds like the room next to us or a bunk bed and a large bed like Chris and Williams room on the opposite side.

Every bedroom had their own bathroom connected to it. As we put our things in the closet and bathroom, we heard loud Britney Spears, Miley Cyrus, Maroon 5, and i don't know who else. Eva was still unpacking after I was done, so I told her that I'd go look around the house.

I walked down the stairs and stopped in my tracks, when I heard some kissing sounds. I quietly went up again. Assuming it was Isak and Even, because they went down to the basement earlier to unpack their stuff as well.

I then went upstairs to the second floor, seeing a large room with a large TV and— no way. A Wii U and Switch and a PlayStation. No way, William had everything here. I searched through the games and saw Just Dance and grinned, knowing that this will be fun.

The kitchen was on the other side of the small wall. You could still see it from the living room or party room or whatever.

There was a long balcony as well on which you could overlook the lake and the jetty. The sun was coming down and I fell in love with the view.

"A stunning view." Chris said from behind and I turned around and saw him walking over. "It's really beautiful" I agreed, looking back at the lights, reflecting on the water.

He hugged me from behind. "Can we just for this trip not keep up that stupid rule of yours? The no-contact-in-front-of-others one?" Then he leaned his head on top of mine.

I wasn't so sure how well this trip was going to end. I feel like... if I let him too close now, I'll regret it. He'd leave. But I know I cannot be around him and others all day and not wanting to be near him, with him.

So I did a stupid thing and said: "Fine." Then he kissed the back of my neck.

I heard a car and decided to go look who it is. First, I gave Chris a quick kiss and ran down the stairs to the car.

Or cars, there were 2. When William got out, I hugged him. "William, what the fuck? This place is amazing!" Noora appeared beside me. I hugged her even tighter. "I know right? He showed me pictures before, this will be so fun!" She agreed. And William just shook his head laughing, then greeted Chris with this typical guys hug.

I then hugged Vilde, Magnus and Eskild as well. "Eskild, you're driving with us on the way back. I need someone to scream to Lady Gaga with me and Eva."

"Oh I'm so in", he said. "Those guys were just talking and talking and Vilde and Magnus were making out like crazy beside me. Never again." I laughed. "Perfect, then."

"Hey there." Someone behind me said. "I'm Henrik."

"I'm Carla, hey." I introduced myself. "And I'm Eskild."

"Nice to meet you. Soo.. how do you know William?" He asked. "I'm on his bus, a Penetrator."

"I'm his girlfriend's friend and roommate." Eskild explained.

"I'm—" Should I go with a relation to Chris, or... "also a friend of his girlfriend Noora. But not a roommate" I laughed.

"Oh very nice." Henrik said.

"I'll leave you two alone real quick, gotta see who else arrived." They nodded and I went over to see that two girls and a guy were also driving with Henrik.

I didn't feel like introducing myself yet, they seemed very busy, so I decided to help Noora and Vilde with their stuff.

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