Friday, 11:05 pm

"Oh my god!" Eva screamed as I told her. "Shhh!" I shushed, what if Chris heard that?

Chris knocked on the door. "You alright in there?"

"Yeees" I screamed.

"So are you planning on telling him about your crush?" Eva asked.

"No way! I'm not even sure myself and he already has the biggest ego." Eva nodded agreeing. "I don't know what I should d-" Then I threw up again.

"Maybe you wait first until the alcohol is out of your system before you tell him anything." Eva stroke my back. After a while, she asked: "Should I let him back in?"

I shook my head. "I'm disgusting right now and he probably doesn't want to take care of me. He probably already saw a girl he wants to sleep with next."

"Carla, I really think he cares." I was quiet. Did he really? "I'll definitely stay here if you want me to, but it's your decision."

"And you're not mad if I ruin this party for you when I ask you to stay?"

She laughed. "Are you kidding? No of course I'm not mad!"

I smiled. "Can you tell Chris that we got this and that he should enjoy the party?"

She smiled, got up and I heard her say: "Hey... We got this. She told me to tell you to enjoy the party, you don't need to guard the door for us."

"Are you really sure? I want to help. Please. Should I carry her in a bedroom? Find a bucket or something? I just— I want to do something for her." His voice immediately changed my mind and I hated it.

I saw Eva looking at me and I nodded. Eva nodded her head in my direction and he came inside again. He came close to me and I could smell his perfume again. "Do you want me to help you?" He asked.

Tears formed in my eyes and I mouthed a 'Yes'. He then smiled a helpless smile. He helped me up and held me in bridal style. He hugged me close and I could already feel myself sink into his arms. Eva followed us.

He put me in a bed, covered me with blankets and left to get water. Eva came to my bed. "Do you want me to stay?" She asked.

"I think I'm going to sleep now, getting the alcohol out of my system, like you said. You can leave and enjoy the rest of the night, but I really appreciate you." I told her. She smiled at me.

"Of course, Carla. Good night." She waited and left when Schistad entered. He held a glass and a bottle of water in his hands and came to me. He filled some in the glass and handed it to me.

"Thank you, Chris." Then I sat up and drank some of the water, hoping it'll help me with a headache tomorrow.

"Are you sleeping in that dress?" He asked. "I guess so. I don't have any clothes to change. "Do you want my hoodie?" He offered.

I looked at that hoodie, that was making everyone a trophy except for him of course. I shook my head. I shouldn't.

He sat down on the other side of the bed. "Do you want me to stay until you fell asleep? To make sure that you're fine?" He suggested.

"No, Chris, I— I really just want to sleep." I really needed to think about all this. And I knew, I couldn't think straight with him by my side.

"Okay... Sleep well, Carla. You're phone is right beside you... If there's anything, call me"

I smiled. "Good night, Chris." And then he left unwillingly.

Three weeks later
Monday, 7:55 am

Greeting Chris in the hallway before school has become a routine, just like chatting with him during lunch or meeting up with him nearly every day after school. Same goes for studying with him— which actually helped a lot— making out and sleeping together.

My little butterflies in my stomach have died, when I was at a party a week after and accidentally walked in on him and a girl. Somehow it was just like I have expected it, but it still felt like daggers in my body, stabbing every butterfly at least twice. Since then, we didn't simply lay down next to each other after sex or did something that would normally make you fall for somebody.

I've skipped one party but was enjoying the one on last Friday. Enjoying as in sleeping with a guy. I think I've been sleeping around too often but I simply don't give a damn about anything with alcohol in my blood.

"I'm sorry, but we can't go to my place after school today. My brother's crashing for a week. Maybe we could go to yours?" Chris said after greeting me.

"Um.. sure. But I don't mind meeting your brother but whatever you want." I smiled. I took out my phone, wanting to text my mother.

Thinking about it, I put my phone back in my jeans' pocket. I didn't really want to introduce her to my not-boyfriend-but-hookup-partner. So it's best if she doesn't know that I have a guest over. Also, if I shouldn't meet his family, he doesn't need to meet mine.

"Yeah, no... I think it's best if we're going to your house." He said. "It's about time that we test if you're bed is stable enough."

He licked his lips again and and winked. I rolled my eyes. "It is, I've already used it a few times with guys that were a little more... intense" I provoked, grinning. I lied obviously, Chris was my most 'intense' sex.

I did sleep with a few guys but Chris was the best, indeed.

"More intense?" He asked and I murmured an "Mhm."

"I think I should exercise a bit, to reach that level on intensity, right?" Chris' eyes fell to my lips. "Besides, I think I'm already pretty good. You told me you imagined me while being with someone else once."

I remembered everything I said, sadly. "He was pretty bad, so it almost felt like it was you." I rolled my eyes again, then the bell rang.

"I don't think so, love." He said dreamy, running his fingers through my hair. "See you at lunch."

And then he went in the other direction.

I walked to class, thinking about the nickname he just gave me. 'Love'— That almost sounds better than my name, coming from his mouth.

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