Saturday, 12:40 am

Chris' hands travelled down to my waist and he pushed me onto the place next to the sink. My legs were hugging his body and I started to bite his bottom lip softly, causing him to moan a little.

Kissing again, he went down to my neck and as he reached a specific spot, my head fell back, giving him consent to kiss my body. I bit my lip and closed my eyes as he explored my body with his lips.

While he kissed my shoulders I pulled him towards me and let my head fall to to the side of his head.

"Should I stop, Carla?" He asked with a seductive voice. Then he pulled back to look me in the eyes again. Those damn pretty hazel eyes.

The way he says my name— I would never want him to stop when he says my damn name. I shook my head and breathed a lot harder then just minutes ago.

"Do you want to..." he paused, knowing that I know what he was asking. I closed my eyes and nodded. I want to. He helped me in my wet shirt but at least I wasn't as exposed anymore.

Then he carried me holding my thighs and whispered: "I'll find a more comfortable place." And kissed the side of my neck once again.

We left the bathroom and searched for an empty room. I saw that Eva smiled at me while making out with Jonas. She seemed proud and I just rolled my eyes smiling back. Chris was still carrying me as we entered a bedroom. He placed me on the bed and locked the door.

He laid down next to me cupping my face with his hands and kissed me slowly. He wasn't rushing things, even tho I felt him wanting more. He kissed me gently, yet with so much passion.

He was very careful when he took off my shirt again. Always slow enough for me to enjoy and feel every touch but allowing me to be in control and able to stop it of I changed my mind. I helped him out of his hoodie, softly letting my fingers travel up his body. As soon as he got rid of the hoodie, he kissed me again.

It was really beautiful. He was really beautiful and so gentle. His mouth travelled down to my stomach and planted kisses everywhere. I watched his every move, admiring how cautious he was with me. He looked at me before going further. "Are you sure?" He whispered.

I nodded, staring into his eyes and helped him get rid of my pants. His body of course also looked perfect. How could he be so amazing alone and yet so infuriating in public?

As my pants flew to the floor, he slowly touched my legs, only ever looking at me. I hated the fact that I loved his eyes. The way he always watched me made my skin burn— the good way.

He kissed my lips again, touching my waist with one hand, resting on his elbow and touching my cheek with the other hand.

My hands travelled down his body to his jeans, slowly opening the buttons. He helped me and got out of his pants. He then started to kiss my stomach and going down, looking at my every move, being ready to stop if I want him to.

"Can I?" He said holding both sides of my underwear. His eyes were filled with lust but also uncertainty, as if he was scared to do something inappropriate.

"Yes" I answered quietly, nodding and looking at the way he licked his lips. "Please" I pleaded and he took my underwear and bra off. He kissed the inside of my legs first and traveled up.

My head fell back as he slowly pleased me with his tongue. My hips automatically moved against his mouth and I couldn't help but whimper. He moved one hand from my thigh to my clitoris and slowly massaged it with his fingers. His hot breath lingered on my skin, causing me to bite my lip to hold back a moan.

I tried to look at him when I could feel myself stiffen under him and dug my one hand into the sheets, the other grabbing his hair, letting loose. "Chris, I'm—" I threw my head back and bit my lip. Then I shuddered beneath him.

When I opened my eyes again, he was smiling at me and licked his lips. "God, Carla." Was all he said. Then he moved to my lips kissing me softly and I could feel him smile against my mouth. This damn smile.

He then sat back up, searched for something in his pants on the floor and pulled out a condom.

When he pulled it on, I caught my breath again. My eyes were closed and I licked my lips and bit my bottom lip softly. When I opened my eyes, he stared at me and slowly shook his head. "You look so fucking sexy."

I looked at him with a weak smile, causing him to ask: "Carla, are you—... It's okay if you don't want to continue..."

"I want it all." I said sitting up. I kissed him. This time harder, with more desire, passion, lust. I couldn't get enough. I wanted to hear him say my name again.

He kissed me back with the same intensity as I. His hands held my back as he lowered me onto the bed again. I steadied myself holding onto his back.

Before pushing into me, I gave him the assuring look he waited for. I felt him. And I felt him deep. We both moaned at the same time.

I moved my hands to the back of his neck and pulled his mouth onto mine. I kissed him hard and he kissed me the same way back. He moved to that spot on the side of my neck and sucked on my skin. I couldn't help but moan his name while he pushed inside of me again and again.

"Fuck", I screamed. I felt myself stiffen after a while, again. I bit his lips and he moaned in my mouth. I swung my head back, clawed my fingers in his back and he screamed "Fuck, Carla". I was trembling. He was shaking. And then we finished both. His head fell on my breast and his breath was heavy, just like mine.

We laid like that for a few minutes. Before he kissed me again and pulled out. We were both sweating and breathing like we just ran a marathon. He let himself fall next to me. He stared at the ceiling first and whispered dreamy "Fuck." Then he looked at me.

I smiled tired and he did the same.

I knew I would remember everything this time and probably regret it. He would probably walk out in ten minutes as if nothing happened and go look for the next girl to hook up with.

But I didn't care now. This felt too good to destroy it with smart thoughts.

Chris Schistad - Couldn't EverWhere stories live. Discover now