Saturday 3:47 am

I wore Eva's clothes and got ready for bed with her stuff. I laid down next to her and pulled the blanket over my body.

"Can I get you anything else?" I offered.

"No, thank you, Carla." She smiled at me.

"I'm sorry I was too busy throwing up before to ask you, but how was it?" She smirked. Even though I knew what she meant I asked: "What are you referring to, Eva?"

"Chris. Obviously." I opened my mouth. "And don't you dare deny anything! I saw how he carried you from the bathroom into the bedroom."

I smiled. I knew I could talk to her about all that boydrama. She knew me too well.

"Well it was pretty beautiful. He was being really gentle and respectful. The exact opposite of what I expected, to be honest. You know I can't really remember the last time we had sex but today— whoa. No wonder girls are crushing."

"Wait you don't remember your first time with Chris?" Eva asked stunned.

"Not really, I was really wasted. But today- yes I did drink but not enough to have a blackout tomorrow." I knew I would remember everything and probably regret it, but right now I didn't. I enjoyed it, he was probably the best sex I've ever had, if I'm being honest with myself.

"Okay, sooo how did it happen? Or did you just go to him like, 'Hey, let's fuck'?" She laughed and I did too.

I thought about the way it happened. It was really strange when I thought about it.

"I was downstairs, making out with a guy on the couch, when my back was suddenly completely wet. I turned around and saw Chris with an empty glass."

"No way!" Eva held her hand to her mouth.

"Yes way! I screamed at him and he told me that he tripped." I rolled my eyes just thinking about it.

What a lame excuse, I thought. I mean I didn't know for sure, that he didn't actually trip, but something told me that he didn't.

Maybe he planned everything, that's why he followed me in the bathroom— to end up flirting and having sex with me. Okay or maybe not. That's creepy.

"When I left to the bathroom I forgot to lock the door. I put off my shirt and tried to get rid of the cola or whatever it was but I just ended up making my shirt more see-through and wet. That's when Chris came in."

"Ouhhh", she smiled already knowing where this is going.

"He said, I should relax because he had already seen me naked and then came closer, flirting with me, touching my chin and cheek and stuff. We kissed and he sat me down next to the sink and kissed my neck."

I actually had to smile, thinking about the way he did it. The way he convinced me. Cause he was actually really fucking good.

"Then he put my shirt on and carried me to the bedroom. There I saw you." I smiled at her. Remembering the look she gave me.

"I was so proud." She admitted. I already knew. Her eyes told me. "But what were you guys doing in there? You have been in there for forever. So many rounds?" She chuckled.

I grinned. "Well he went down on me, then we had sex and afterwards we were just laying there." I still didn't quite understand it tho.

"Then you called and I think he was glad that he didn't have to throw me out himself." I laughed but Eva wasn't really amused. "What?" I asked.

"It's just... I'm sorry, but are you okay with me telling how he was with me? Or is that making you uncomfortable?"

"No of course not, like I said, I don't have feelings or anything for him." It was true, I didn't. I didn't get why she assumed that I did after all the time that I rejected him.

"Okay, so.. I was at that party on Saturday and I was making myself a drink, when he came up to me and started flirting a bit. I was already drunk so I flirted back.

You remember that I had made out with him a few months ago with that Jonas drama? He didn't recognize me from back then, but he said something like 'Aren't you always with Carla? I think I know you from her bus'.

I thought that was strange but I didn't care. I just said yes and well, i don't even remember how it happened but we started making out in the kitchen and moved upstairs. The difference is that we just had sex.

He wasn't going down on me and he didn't lay down next to me afterwards. After he gained his strength again, he got dressed and left. He didn't even say something to me.

With you, it was different. He fell asleep the first time and he simply lied down next to you after the second time.

Not that I care, I don't want anything from him but... it was kind of strange."

I... didn't really know what to say, let alone think. Maybe he just had have a bad day on Saturday? Chris Schistad couldn't possibly have a crush on me, could he?

"I don't know Eva... It's just— I can't explain why, but I'm sure it looks different to you than to me. He doesn't like me like that. I just know it."

I really couldn't explain it but I was sure of it. They weren't there, and just telling the story might seem like it but it was completely different when it happened.

It was still the Penetrator Chris, that could have every girl and had any girl he wanted. He didn't do feelings, like he said to me himself.

"I don't want to assume things, I'm sure you know it better then I do but... I just wanted to explain why it looks to everyone else like you guys have a thing. Even tho it might not be true, it sure as hell looks like it, you know?"

I nodded, feeling kind of tired of this conversation so I yawned to emphasize my tiredness.

"You know, I'm pretty tired. But thank you for opening up to me, Eva." I said. She trusted me more then the rest of the group to not judge her. That meant something.

"Thanks to you too. But you're right, I'm pretty tired too. Sleep well, Carla", she said and turned the light off.

"Good night, Eva."

I knew that I wasn't going to get much sleep. I would probably think about Chris all the time— not in a weird crush-way. But I did struggle to figure him out. Especially after what Eva just told me.

Chris Schistad - Couldn't EverWhere stories live. Discover now