Monday, 8:12 pm

I was touching his naked upper body, letting my fingers travel on every inch of it. I'm pretty sure he fell asleep after round three. He was laying on his back and one arm hugged me, the other laid on his stomach.

His head rested against mine and I heard him breath steady and quiet. He was fucking good the last few hours. Getting this more often? I knew the suggestion was good.

I slightly tilted my head back to look at his face without waking him up. He truly was gorgeous.

I slowly put his arm from me and tried to get out of bed without waking him up. I had to go to the toilet. I put on my underwear and went as quietly as possible.

I also checked my phone in the bathroom.

The bus group-chat had a few new messages.

We haven't hung out recently.
How about meeting up on
Wednesday? Just us girls obv

Christiano Ronaldo
Count me in.

Sure. What's planned?

I thought about eating
something at the new diner.
Maybe we could also go
to the cinema afterwards.

Christiano Ronaldo
Sounds good. There's a new
horror movie.

Sounds great! I really look
forward to it. Kind of missed
hanging out with you guys

Me too.

Does anyone know why
Carla isn't replying?

Christiano Ronaldo
Maybe she's getting dick.

Christiano Ronaldo
Should be done studying
by now. Let's not stress

I smiled, then replied as well. I missed the girls as well.

I'd love to! We haven't done
anything together in ages!

I closed the chat and brushed my hair. Washed my face quickly and got out of the bathroom.

Chris was still laying in the exact same position I left him, so I guess he was really tired. I put on my clothes and wrote him a message.

Had to leave, I'm sorry.
I had a lot of fun today,
didn't realize that studying
could actually be fun ;)
See you tomorrow.

I then took all my things and left. Out of the house, I opened the local bus app.

Tuesday, 1:33 pm

I tried to explain to Noora what was going on between me and Chris but it just didn't make sense to anyone that wasn't part of it.

She told me that she supported it as long as I was happy.

Then they came together. William and Chris.

William and Noora kissed like usual but it was awkward between me and Chris. Should I kiss him? Hug him? I mean... We weren't necessarily friends and we sure as hell weren't a couple so what do we do to greet?

I saw that he was thinking the same so he just nodded and smiled and I did the same.

"Carla" He smirked "You look hot." He whisper-shouted. I rolled my eyes but smiled.

"I'm wearing a hoodie and sweatpants."

"You look hot in anything but better without everything. And you'll not be wearing that for so much longer."

"You're literally always horny, aren't you?" I couldn't help but grin like a kid because of the kind-of-compliment.

"Only when I notice something I ha-ve. Like every piece of clothing that you ever wore." It's cute that he actually uses the word.

"I think I need to study. Let's leave or I'll study alone."

"I can help you study or just watch you study. Either way, I'm coming with you." He said eager. I hugged William and Noora and followed Chris to his car.

When he started driving, I causally said: "You know, I've never done it in a car. Yet."

He smirked but had his eyes focused on the road. "Maybe that's a good idea for our next study-date."

I turned my upper body fully to him. "That's a good idea, Chris." I touched his thigh. "I think we really should do that the next time. " I teased him.

"It's dangerous to tease me when I'm driving, Carla."

I started to move my hand a little on his thigh. He licked his lips. He always licked his lips and I fucking loved it.

My hand moved up under his shirt and touched his body. I smirked when I felt goosebumps covering his body. Then he removed his right hand from the wheel and touched my leg.

I could see him wanting more and then I placed his hand back on the wheel.

"It's dangerous to not be a hundred percent concentrated on the road, Chris."

He sighed annoyed and I had to laugh a little.

"We'll continue this in my room."

"Bossy, hm?" I teased.

"Whatever you want me to be." He smirked.

Tuesday, 3:02 pm

We were studying chemistry again, after we slept together. I don't think I need to really study at this point because I already understood everything.

He was a great tutor. Explaining to me in like 5 hours what my teachers couldn't in a whole year.

Chris was lying next to me while he pointed at something in my book. I couldn't really listen to him and just slowly stroked his arm.

"You're not listening, Carla, are you?"

"Mhm.." I agreed with whatever he just said.

"Come on, your exam is tomorrow." He said.

"I think I'm already pretty good at this and also— we just had sex and you're still lying naked under the blankets beside me. How would I be able to concentrate?"

"Craving for more, huh?" He planted a quick kiss on my head, put the book away and turned to me again. "If we're not going to study, I think we should talk."

"Great idea. What do you want to talk about?"

He pointed between us. "This. Us. Like how we are in public or around friends."

He was right. We did need to talk about that.

Chris Schistad - Couldn't EverWhere stories live. Discover now