Saturday, 3:08 pm

I woke up naked. My head hurt and I failed to remember what happened. When I turned around, I saw no other then Christopher Schistad on his phone.

The light coming from the windows hit my eyes like a bullet. Oh my god, how much drinks and shots had I have?

When I was able to open my eyes again, I saw that the guy next to me smiling and looking at me. He put his phone away and readjusted himself on the bed with his body facing mine.

"Good morning, Carla." He said, while brushing my arm slightly with his thumb.

Oh my god. I-... I had sex with Chris?!

"Asshole.", I managed to say but my head was pounding. He chuckled slightly and bit his lower lip.

"You didn't seem to hate me last night. In fact, you seemed aaall over me. We—" he looked so proud saying this.

"Oh shut up, my head hurts. Now that you got that hookup, you can finally leave me alone."

Yesterday must have been a mess. I can't believe I betrayed myself and went that low. Sleeping with Chris will be number one of my regrets-list, I could tell.

I sat up and my head started to spin. I could see water and something that must help with that hangover. And a bucket, but I didn't need to use it thankfully.

While I took that pill and swallowed a little water, I heard Schistad saying "Well I like that view but if you wanted to cover yourself, you can wear my hoodie. Don't obsess over it tho just because it smells like me."

I sat on the side of the bed, my back facing Chris and I held the blanket to cover my breast but he was able to see my whole back and butt. Is he seriously suggesting, that I wear his hoodie? Ain't no way!

"No thanks, I'll stick to my clothes." When I saw what I was wearing yesterday, I could tell that I was gonna be a little uncomfortable. "That dress?" He asked in disbelief.

"Yes, that dress". I rolled my eyes even tho he couldn't see it.

I walked over with a blanket around me and grabbed it from the floor.

He moaned and did this hot eye-roll-thing agai— no wait, that's not hot. It's just—... okay yes, maybe he was hot. I can admit that after sleeping with him, right?

"Oh, I love that dress" Then he let himself sink into the pillow again like he suddenly became so weak. Yes, he looked hot and I hated him for it. And I hated me for thinking it.

"Take a good look and don't forget what happened, you're not going to get anything like it ever again", I said, angry with him and even angrier with myself.

I quickly ran into the bathroom on the other side of the hall with a blanket around me but made sure that no one saw me.

I went to the toilet and put on my dress. As I was standing in front of that mirror, I remembered everything. Everything.

I took another body shot from some girl and went back to the dance floor. I swung my hips to the music and slid my hand up on the side of my body, feeling hot.

I realized that this Robin guy was walking over and it took some time to focus on him. "Where have you been? Fuck, you better never leave me like that again."

I smiled at him and said: "You know, I'm pretty drunk. I don't know if sex would even feel good at this point. I can see two of you and everybody else."

He shook his head smirking. "So... are you still up for some stuff?"

I rolled my eyes annoyed. "For a hard make out, yes. But I don't really want to sleep with you." I told him truthfully. My eyes couldn't focus on him.

The whole truth was a bit infuriating. I saw the way, Chris Schistad was still looking at me right now. His eyes were telling me something between lust and hatred. I didn't even know this combination exists.

I either want to sleep with Chris or alone today. I feel like he could make me forget. He was also the only thing my eyes were able to focus on, right now.

I realized I was staring at him when Robert— I'm sorry, I will never learn it, will I? When Robin turned around and followed my gaze.

"What the fuck? You have a crush on this guy? Let me guess, you would let him fuck you, right?" I was now pushing against his chest. It didn't really bother him tho. "Screw you!"

"Oh piss off, Carla!", he shouted and left to the kitchen. My eyes followed him in disbelief. Well I had to find myself someone new to make out with. Chris was still watching my every move but I'm sure he wasn't an option. He must hate me after I called him a manwhore. Also, still had too much pride to make the first move on someone with an ego like his.

I continued dancing and disappeared further in the crowd so that Schistad couldn't see me. I danced and swung my hips from right to the left.

It had been a few minutes until a guy grabbed my hips and started to dance with me. I didn't mind.

I was surprised that I couldn't see any of my girls, tho. I turned around to face a tall blond guy. I don't know his name but he was looking pretty hot, indeed.
We danced really close until Chris came over and whispered something in the guys ear.

He just nodded and looked around for something or someone, then disappeared. Chris was then taking his place.

He placed his hands on my hips and turned me around again so that my back was facing his body again. We danced so close, I could feel every inch of his body touching mine. It felt good somehow.

His breath was hot on my neck and I felt his soft lips on my shoulder.

He leaned over and whispered: "You wanna get out of here?". I could feel him placing a kiss on my neck and my whole body was covered in goosebumps.

I nodded and he turned me around, planted another quick kiss on my lips, held my hand and pulled me out of the crowd. When we reached an empty room upstairs, we closed the door and he pressed his lips onto mine.

I've never felt such a strong desire. I kissed him. Hard. We were already breathing so hard when he pulled over his shirt and opened my dress. He pushed me onto the bed and lied down on top of me. I turned us around and was now starting to move my hips back and forth.

We were only wearing underwear and I'm glad I wore matching red underwear to the dress. Well I guess, I kinda hoped to get laid today.

He grabbed my ass with both his hands and I held his shoulders in mine. I started to kiss his ear and moved down his neck.

When my mouth started traveling down his body, I could hear him starting to breath very heavy.

I fell to my knees, remembering everything. Also, why I drank that much in the first place. I fucked up bad and Susanna was dead.

Chris Schistad - Couldn't EverWhere stories live. Discover now