Friday 2:40 pm

He just stared up at me smirking. He licked his lips once again and crawled back up to me. He kissed me so gently, like I could break under his touch.

I could probably.

"You're so beautiful, Carla. I can never not say that." His breath was heavy.

I could feel him be hard again. "Again?" I asked looking down his body.

"What can I say. Watching you was pretty hot."

Then I rolled my eyes, pretending to be annoyed but I actually felt flattered. Good thing that I don't blush.

I pulled his head towards me and whispered in his ear. "How about us having real sex now?"

He smiled eager and put on a condom from his nightstand.

A little while after, I was lying on his chest, my breath was slowly becoming steady again. I could feel his heartbeat and it was super relaxing.

Both of his arms were around my body, holding me close.

After about ten minutes not moving a muscle, I said: "You know we gotta get ready for the party at some point, right?"

"But we still got a lot of time until then." He held me a little closer to emphasize that he doesn't want to break this up yet. I smiled and there was this strange feeling in my stomach again. I tried hard to ignore it.

"You're right." I looked up at him and started kissing him again.

"I really like your taste, Chris, but I'm craving something more... McDonald's right now." He was drawing his eyebrows together while his eyes were closed, and pouted his lips like a baby. Then he took a deep breath and rolled his eyes.

"Fine. I'm also kinda hungry. Even tho nothing is better than eating you." He smirked, kissed my lips and then loosened his grip. I rolled off of him and stood up. After I had put my clothes on again I hopped on the bed and checked my phone. I got messages from Noora.

A few penetrators told William
that Chris was defending you
in front of Robin.

Apparently Robin said that you're
a dick teaser and said some
shit about you, so Chris punched
this guy and started a fight.

It's just what a few of the guys
said, tho. Could have been
different in reality.

But have fun, and see you at
the party!

I stared at her text, not knowing what to make off this. I mean, I would be really thankful, if it went like this and Robin got what he deserved.

But it was not worth getting hurt like he did.

"What's wrong?" Chris said. He had just pulled up his pants. He looked at me concerned. His upper body was still naked and I was looking at that purplish bruise.

"Do you want to talk about what happened?" And nodded to his wound.

He looked down on him and bit his bottom lip, then sat down next to me. He stared beside the bed on the floor, avoiding my eyes.

"You know, Robin is an asshole. I realized it, when I heard him scream these things to you at the party.

I, uh... I kind of heard him say stupid stuff like you had a crush on me and that you would let me fuck you, just because he was mad that you were only up for a 'hard make out' but no sex."

I bit on my lip. He heard that? Oh my god...

"Well we just got rid of the Yakuza guys when I heard him say that he's glad that he didn't have a bruise on his face so it wouldn't hurt when you, uh... rode his face...

I— snapped and punched him as hard as possible. No one deserved to be talked about like that. He fell to the ground and I— held him down and didn't stop beating the shit out of him.

When two other guys held my arms and pulled me off of him, he wasn't sone talking even if his face was already messed up. He said something about you just being a dick teaser but you wouldn't get away with it next time.

He said he would make you regret being a bitch and get you... to do things I don't even want to say right now and— he continued threatening and insulting you...

I don't want to go much into detail, but I was really scared for you, that bastard was capable of doing cruel things..."

I was quiet and just stared in front of me. Did he really threaten to sleep with me, even if I didn't want to? Did he threaten to rape me because I told him no?

I felt a little tear coming from my eye and I didn't realize I was crying.

"The— the bruises weren't from him, the Yakuza guys threw me on the ground and kicked me until William and the others helped me out."

He sat a little closer and pulled me into a hug. I buried my face in his chest. "I'm sorry" I managed to say.

"No, it's not your fault, Carla. I am sorry. That bastard is lying in the hospital now, I got him pretty good. I just—" He inhaled and exhaled controlled.

"I was really fucking scared for you. If he had done anything to you, I— I just wanted to protect you from him. This fucker called you a dick teaser and a bitch and a— and a lot of other names, I could just— oh god I hate him." His breath was unsteady now too but I couldn't see his face.

"I— I thought about what might have happened if you had stepped foot in his house or car, if he had convinced you on Tuesday to drive you, if— I'm so sorry, Carla."

I cried thinking about it. I cried hard. He might have raped me? Was he really capable of doing something like this? I hugged Chris tighter.

"But are you okay?", I asked him through tears, pulling away a little to look at his bruised face. A tear was rolling down his cheek.

He smiled at me with glossy eyes. "I'm okay. I just hurts to see you cry."
My fingers trailed down his bruises. Then he kissed me. "Please don't go near him again, Carla. Be careful, okay?"

"I won't. But be careful too, Chris.", I stopped the kiss to look him in the eyes. "I mean it. That could have endet very badly if the guys had been there a little later."

He drew his eyebrows together again and... he just looked so sad.

"When I saw you at school, I thought you didn't even care. You made it pretty clear that we're not friends or anything so I thought I'd just give you as much space as possible." Two tears rolled down his cheeks.

I immediately felt bad. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it like that... It's just—..."

I tried looking for the right words but I couldn't seem to find them.

"We can't be friends, Chris." Then I kissed him, hoping this would help him understand it like I mean it.

"You're right, Carla. We can't." And then he pulled me closer, kissing me harder.

Chris Schistad - Couldn't EverWhere stories live. Discover now