Monday 4:32 pm

I really thought I understood this stupid stuff finally. I didn't know what I needed it for in life but well, I didn't have a say in these things.

"I think... I think you got it." Chris smiled with an open mouth as if he couldn't believe it himself.

I stared at his perfect little piece of hair in his face while he put the books away. "If you want to, we can—" he began.

I crawled to him and my lips met his. I felt myself relax a little. And gone was my pride. This guy probably hadn't even noticed how often he licked or bit his lips while teaching. He was drawing so much attention to them that I really really needed to taste them again. Just a little taste.

"Hungry now?" He smirked.

"Starving actually." I said. I pushed him onto the bed and sat down on his lab kissing his lips. I really loved that taste. He also sighed relieved, as if it was as much torture for him as it was for me.

He put his hands on the back of my neck and kissed me like he was wanting to for about two and a half days, since we last kissed. I liked that. My eyes were closed, and I could only hear his unsteady breath and feel his hands under my shirt on my waist.

Oh how I love those hands on my body.

After maybe half an hour, I interrupted that kiss and I heard him moan, not wanting to stop. I smiled down to him. "I have to go to the toilet. I'll be back in a minute."

So I ran to the door in his room and got in, seeing how he hid his face in his arms before I closed the door.

I went on the toilet and washed my hands, making sure I looked good enough. My lips were already swollen, but I didn't care.

I then got a notification.

Where are you??? You're not letting me starve, are you?

I smiled, knowing that that must be Chris and changing his name to "Asshole"


I know you will be ;)

I chuckled. I got out of the bathroom and saw that he had put himself in a more comfortable position. He smiled as soon as he saw me.

I hopped on the bed next to him and planted a kiss on his lips.

"Let me see your phone." He demanded.


"Just show me." He said with a slight smile. So I gave him my phone.

"'Asshole'? Seriously" He looked annoyed and I loved it. "Well that fit so well, I couldn't think of anything better."

He tapped something and I tried to steal my phone back but he held it away so I couldn't reach it. "Give it to me."

"Oh, I will give it to you." And he smirked again. He then gave it back. "If you change it, I'll stop tutoring you." He warned.

I read his name. "'Hot stuff'. Wow. That's creative." I commented sarcastically and looked back at him.

"It's more accurate than 'asshole'" He said and licked his lips again. Ah, why does he keep doing that?

I put my phone on the side and sat on his lap. "I'll only keep that if I can do what I want now."

"You can always.", he whispered, almost quiet enough that I didn't hear it, but I did.

"Okay let's see. I just want to talk first." I suggested and he moaned in annoyance. "I know, I know. But I just want to clarify things, alright?"

Now, he looked interested. "What do you mean?"

"I mean this here. You're a fuckboy, I get that. You don't do relationships, as far as I know, at least not real one with feelings and no cheating and stuff. You told me yourself that you 'didn't do feelings'." His face was unusual unreadable.

"I don't necessarily need a relationship either. But I do want to hookup. So how about this:

We'll be like hookup-partners." I saw him smiling at that word. "Only this. We're not necessarily friends outside the bedroom. But I love to sleep with you some time." I watched his reaction closely but his thoughts somehow weren't as easy to figure out as usually.

"I don't expect— or want a relationship with you because I would want that to be real and trust my partner completely to not cheat on me.

So maybe your idea with that tutoring and hooking up in return wasn't such a bad idea. No strings attached, you and I can still be with other people."

He was quiet for a few seconds, probably thinking it over.

"No strings attached, huh?"

"Exactly" I don't know if I just made the dumbest suggestion ever, but I didn't care.

"So like friendship+ but without the friendship. Just the plus?"

Kind of. I nodded.

"Sounds pretty good... but I can't really agree yet, can I? I need a reminder if it's worth taking the deal."

I smiled, knowing this was a yes. Kind of weird but it was good to clarify this.

I leaned down and kissed his lips again.

"But don't think, I'll ever stop with my comments." He said.

"I couldn't ask you to change your whole personality, could I?"

"I hate you." He murmured quietly. And I shook my head but didn't interrupt the kiss. "You don't."

"How would you know?"

"Because you would have said no to my offer and also— you're body is screaming for me, Chris." He interrupted that kiss.

"You know how much I hate how much I love it when you say my name like this?" He tried to calm his breath.

"And you know how much I love how you hate how you love it when I say Chris?"

He rolled his eyes with desire. And I whispered slowly in his ear. "I really hate-love the way you say my name as well, Chris."

"Fuck, Carla. I really hate-love all of this."

I put the opposite words together.

"I really ha-ve this too."

Chris Schistad - Couldn't EverWhere stories live. Discover now