Monday, 12:31 pm

" we've kind of talked it through. Well with a little less talking and more kissing and making out but we're good. I don't know if I can label us boyfriend and girlfriend already again but uh... yeah we're— we're good." Eva smiled.

And we all smiled with her. I was really just glad that they weren't fighting anymore. Well, it wasn't really fighting but making each other jealous and this typical relationship-game if you want to call it that.

"I knew it would turn out good again", female Chris said. "It's a shame, I missed out on one of the Penetrator's parties, tho."

"You didn't miss much, since you were able to make out with your boyfriend anyway, you don't need a party for that", I said, hoping it would make her feel better. And it was the truth.

I mean the only reason to go to a Penetrator party is to make out with someone and drink. I did drink. A lot. I also made out with someone but well— that was just it.

"Apropos making out, Carla. What did you do on Friday?" Berg asked.

"Nothing much, I wasn't allowed to sleep w—" I began.

"She made out with a Penetrator and drank. A. Lot.", Noora answered for me. Maybe she felt bad? I kinda smiled at that, she didn't need to.

"So no sleeping with someone?", Chris rose her eyebrows.


"Hey guys.", William gave Noora a kiss on the cheek again and sat down next to her. "Carla, why did Chris Schistad ask about you?"

I suddenly felt a lot of gazes on me. "How would I know?"

Maybe because I called him a manwhore and also interrupted him three times making out with other girls that night.

Female Chris just yelled: "Penetrator Chris?! Oh my god, Carla, you go girl!"

I looked around to see many people staring but then minding their business again.

"What did he say?", I asked, ignoring her comment. I was kind of curious, too.

"He asked something like: 'Who is the girl was with brown locks and brown eyes that you always hang around with. The one with the freckles'."

William had a half-smile on his lips and the others were watching me closely too.

"Well I kind of called him a manwhore and I interrupted him making out three times with girls by mistake."

That sounded worse than it was. But yes his description only fits me. So I guess that was the reason. Schistad probably isn't someone that goes around asking for a girl— except when he's seriously pissed at her.

"By mistake, mhm." Chris laughed.

"You called him what?! I'm so proud of you!", Sana clapped proudly.

"So what did you tell him?", I asked William. I really didn't need someone like Chris to know who I was. He probably didn't care either and just wanted to cause a little drama.

William smiled. "Except for your full name, phone number and address nothing."

As I was staring with my mouth open, he quickly said: "Kidding, just kidding! I told him your name tho but added that he should ask you himself if he wants to know anything."

I shook my head in disbelief. William told him my name. Usually, I wouldn't mind but with Schistad... That's different. "Even if he would ask me, he wouldn't get to know anything."

"Ouch. And if I said pretty please, Carla?", a male voice appeared from behind.

Wh— No way. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and turned around to face no other then Chris Schistad himself.

He was smirking and even tho I was sitting and wearing basic clothes he was obviously checking me out which made me feel uncomfortable. His gaze burned through my clothes and skin.

The way he said my name made me cringe a little. It sounded so— uh... sexual? Horny maybe. The way you'd expect a fuckboy to say a name.

"I'd feel sick in my stomach."

I couldn't think of anything better to say. I gotta admit, he was very good looking but I really found him disgusting in every other way.

"I'd be glad to take care of you and help you feel better."

He had his way, I had to give him that.

"Why do you care about my name, Schistad?" I didn't know how to answer to such a comment.

"Because I want to know what name to scream." He winked at me.

"Alright enough, bro. Chill out." William interfered. Thank god. "What do you want?"

I turned around to the table and my back to Chris. I almost forgot that we weren't alone. Everyone except William was eyeing me suspiciously.

"I wanted to talk to you about Friday. Can't host the party this week but maybe the Friday after. We c—"

"I'm having a party this week. You guys can join if you'd like.", female Chris suggested. I gave her a death stare which made her try to hide a smile.

"Sure." Schistad said, "Wait, I remember you. You're name is Chris too, right?" I could basically hear him grinning. Such a child.

I can't believe it. Inviting him after these comments? I felt like they stabbed me in the back! Well okay, it was actually not that bad and I was probably a bit dramatic but still! Uhhh

After they laughed about the fact that their names are the same— oh soooo funny — I felt his presence weirdly close.

The others discussed something about the party but I just couldn't concentrate. His breath tingled on my neck.

"You're coming to the party, right?", Schistad whispered in my ear.

I felt a shiver going through my body and I got up and grabbed my bag. It was probably a shiver of disgust. I just had to put a little space between us. I shook my head no to Schistad and told the others, that I had to go to the toilet.

Then I left.

Chris Schistad - Couldn't EverWhere stories live. Discover now