Chapter 7 I am not Dead?!

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*When I didn't feel any pain hit my body I cracked my eyes open and was met with the sight of assfault. I was through it,but it wasn't hurting me. I started to panic and tried getting out. That only made me sink further down. I had to slow my heart rate down and get a cool head. I could Hear the screams of Lilly and shouts of Zander yelling for me to open my wings as I was falling,but it is easier said that done when your wings have been turned upward and your falling from your back down. i was not dead tho. I moved my arm up and I could almost feel little ledge holds even tho my hand went right through the asfault. I used that and curved my talons and climbed out. As soon as my limbs surfaced they became more solid and I pulled myself out fro the asfauly. I saw Zander and Lilly run over to where I was. I laid back on my back and twitched my wings. It stung still from where Lilly tried to band me. I don't think It will leave a scare but my down will be scorched for awhile until a new layer comes in.*

"Icesis! Thank God you are ok! I thought you were a goner the way you were falling!"

"I am so sorry,if I hadn't tried so hard to band you then you wouldn't have gone on the roof and almost died!"

*I gave a huff and a smoke ring came above my head and when most of the smoke cleared the smoke that was left showed two hands holding together in a handshake. The smoke then left once the image was shown.*

"Alive,no grudge."

"How did you survive that fall,I didn't see you use any shadows or light to transport,in-fact I didn't even see where you went the second before you fell to the ground."

*I shrugged,I didn't know either. I bounced back up and fluffed my wings back up.I looked at where we were now and I wasn't totally sure. I saw a huge building and kids were going in and out of it. They each wore different patches some with fire around a dragon,water,earth,wind so on so forth. Zander didn't have any patch tho. Lilly was wearing one it had a earth dragon and a crop going across the water.She was wearing a bit of a trainers suit. While Zander wore something like a stable hand would wear.Then again he was one. I started to walk over to the building,but Zander stopped me.*

"Where do you think you are going?"


"Oh no,only dragons,and their riders can go there."

"You rider?"

"No,Lilly is tho.As well as one of the riding instructors."

*I narrowed my eyes in thinking. I wanted to go investigate the building,but I also didn't want a rider.I took a glance at Zander and Lilly then took off running at a extremely inhuman fast pace. it was even fast for a dragon. I leaped over the steps and looked back to see Zander and Lilly trying desperately to catch up to me,but failing miserably. I darted inside and I got some questioning glances at me. A few girls tired to stop and talk to me,but I kept on going. Finally,when I was sure I had lost Lilly and Zander I slowed down and used the horde of people as cover.*

"Aww look at the little dragon rider! She must be new here. She is so cute! What is your name sweety?"

*I looked up at some girls that were probably Zanders age maybe a bit younger.*


"What kind of dragon do you ride Iceis,or have you not gotten a dragon yet?"

"I am a dragon."

"W..what? "

"Born like this,dragon tho."

"Ok,where is your rider Iceis?"

"Don't need one."

"How did you hatch then?"

"Got bored,hatched."

*I looked around me and I spotted Zander and Lilly asking a group of boys something,then they pointed my way. Zander locked eyes with me and I took off running. I ran down the hallway and came to a door. I opened it and without looking where I was going I suddenly didn't feel ground beneath my feet. I realized what the sign on the door had said.'Temporarily closed until floor is built'. So once again I was falling. This time I wasn't going to fall and die. I opened my wings up and they caught a gust of wind from the cliff I was dropping off of. The wind carried me upward. I didn't have to try and fly just yet. It carried me into the sky,but once I got past where birds flew into the ozone layer the wind no longer had the small uplift. I could feel myself falling down. On instinct I turned my face downward and tucked my wings in so I was pointed down. I picked up speed to probably 1,000 miles an hour. I saw ground approaching,but I didn't unfold my wings. It came closer,closer,and closer. Then finally at the last second I opened my wings back up and angled upward and did a spiral upward. I flew like that doing acrobatic tricks on my small light wings which probably weighted as much as a handful of blueberries. I could see the whole world and I felt so free up here. One problem. How do I land?*

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