Chapter 41 Renovations & Changes

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(Woohoo forty one chapters! Ty to all of my readers who have commented liked and read my story! I appreciate your support so now this chapter will be a bit more interesting my goal is to get to at least fifty chapters before I am done,but that may be longer depending on how quickly things move,without further adue my story)

*I sat squirming in my seat today I was feeling a bit...odd. It felt like I had taken a whole box of coco and multiplied it and it's affects on making you happy by a thousand. Scents were much sharper today and I was more sensitive to things  on all levels physically and mentally. I felt like I just wanted to fly and do aerodynamics,why I have no idea. That and finish working on carving out the hole in the mountain then fill it up to make it homely,so I guess it was going to become a cave. Zander gave a sigh signaling me I could leave class,I wasn't paying much attention all I know was it had to do with something with male and female dragons I was too busy focusing on not jumping up and down to know what was being said. I went invisible then went through the walls to the outside then let my body drop. I had gotten extremely good at controlling my ability to go through objects it was like layers of a cake or flood gate if you only open one then you go through it more than one then so on so forth. I dropped through counting out the levels six eight ten twenty...I opened my wings on layer thirty giving my body a quick shot  upwards and into the air I soared through the sky doing loops my hair had stiffened to spikes to keep it neat and preened and my draperies did also though remained more limp. I let myself drop feeling my stomach shift upwards and then sink again as I stopped I leveled my body out and in doing so my extra wing skin came out folding out making them wider so as I could glided my body was slower and If I wanted to I could sleep. I searched for the mountain then found it I leveled my body downward and in doing so my wings became slimmer and the extra wing flap folded up as I shot downward quickly two/three feet before I hit the ground of the cavern I pulled up a bit then stopped and crawled into the entrance I had made. I started to make my saliva come then spat on the walls causing it to melt away as my body brushed past it, it caused the acids in my salvation to neutralize and form to the right shape  that I needed. I dug another twenty feet into he cave then spanned out creating elaborate  tunnels and false tunnels till I chose a path about a hundred feet total if had been going to the right path.I clawed the entrance out then lined it with my feathers which were loose yet fairly  new they felt like down and some were while others were primary as well as secondary when I was done lining my feathers in the room a bed of feathers were made. Acting on instinct I moved out from the cave and went looking for rabbits feet and other animals with soft durable  pelts.  I caught three deer and fifty rabbits skinning them skillfully even on their toes and faces without damaging the meat I laid the meat in one pile and the pelts in another then stretched the pelts out and pinned them with my solid feathers and let them dry in the sun. By the end of all of my renovations my bust and abdomen feathers had come off a considerable amount and I was feeling really hot and ..I don't really know the term I am looking for,for the other way I am feeling right now. I laid down and in doing so my bones started to crack and reform it wasn't painful it sounded like it,however it wasn't. When I opened my eyes after sleeping for about five hours I was still hot just the ground seemed a bit different as well as everything else first off i felt lighter second off I was on my hands and feet thirdly I felt awkward. I took a step forward and my front right went forward and my hind left did also then my left forward back right. I was walking diagonals. Weird my body felt longer also. I stepped out of the cave which I had made a ledge for I spread my wings which didn't change much maybe two or three feet longer. I bunched my muscles then took off it felt really weird flying I was all over the place and I was off balance I wound up landing close to Zander. He jumped back eyes wide. I cocked my head to the side trying to figure out why Zander was acting the way he was.*

"Umm anybody lose their dragon?"

'Ehh Zander it's me.'


'Yeah,what's wrong?'

" did you get like that?!"

'Like what?'

*Zander smells pretty good.. I bent down by his face sniffing it. His scent smelled...different it was...intoxicating almost.*

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