Chapter 10 Never Though This Would Happen

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*After a while of Zander and I pulling at each others hair and faces a nurse walked in with a stern look on her face that said don't mess with the patient Zander and I looked at each other and put on the biggest smiles we could muster and pretended to be angels tho the nurse knew better and gave us a really do you think I am a newbie look.*

"In my defense he called me pipsqueak."

"Hey! I thought we had an understanding!"

"No fighting in the hospital!"

"Sorry" (unison )

"Much better, now you have been given the clear so the Cornel wants to see you and your...."

*Zander and I looked at each other not sure what relation we had to each other.*


"No we aren't rivals... We aren't fore say friends either... Mutual respect?"

"Yeah mutual respect sounds bout right."

"Ok well point being the Cornel wants to see you both."

"Sure, let's get this over with."

*I followed Zander as we went from one building to another connected to each other by a glass tunnel bridge. We took a few turns then found the destination we were looking for. Zander knocked on the door and I heard a come in from the otherside. Zander opened it and we stepped through the doors.*

"Ahh Zander and the hatchling how are you? Take a seat."

*I remember this guy I had just hatched when I met him.*

"I see you have grown significantly since last I saw you."

"Yes I have and I have matured too as well as grown."

"Ahh so you are speaking now are you ? Last I saw of you you couldn't even say yes or no. That was what a week ago two?"

"Three weeks actually."

"Yes yes. So has Zander given you a name yet?"

"No I named myself my name is Iceis."

"Ahh ok good to know. Now you are probably thinking that I haven't just called you here to talk about when we first met and you are right. What do you think I have called you here for today?"

"I paralyzed Zander?"

"I nearly killed Iceis...twice?"

"I put Zander in a hospital?"

"I made Iceis jump off a cliff?"

"No to all of that... We will be getting back to that tho. I have called you out here today seeing as Iceis doesn't have a rider I am officially signing her over to you."

"What?!!" (Unison)

"Sorry but I am not a dragon rider material."

"Hell to the no will I have a rider!!!!"

"Silence!!! You have no choice in the matter, either of you. As of today you are rider and dragon. Seeing as Iceis isn't a specific dragon the color of the dragon rider badge dragon will be white based on Iceis's wing color as for the elements it will have a question mark until further notice. Iceis will have to be banded and you will get some dog tags for identification Zander."

"Cornel sir, Iceis can't be banded."

"Why is that?"

"Iceis show him."

*I extended my wing the feathers had started to grow back but it would take a few wing molts until it was completely healed over. So far what was left was a scare about a inch long along my wing and two inches wide and no feathers there.*

"This is what happened when Lilly tried to band her. At the time it literally scorched to the bone it has healed since then."

"Then we will get her a banding bracelet like some of the female riders wear after their hatchlings outgrow them they use them as bracelets and make them their own we can do the same thing with Iceis. Problem solved."

"I am not property to be owned and banded!!!"

*I let smoke billow out of my nose and mouth and I narrowed my slitted eyes in anger.*

"Ehem, as I was saying you will be joining the other riders today as a rider dragon team. Here is your scedual you start tomorrow with your classes. Now run along I have work to finish."

*Zander and I were pushed out without another word said. We walked back in silence only when we reached Zanders room did things heat up. Long story short pillows went flying Zander went flying across the room we fought and argued into the night and till the next morning when we were sopost to get to classes. We made it in the school but couldn't find the class we were sopost to go to. Neither of us talked my feathers were ruffled my hair was a rats nest Zander looked like he went through hell and back having dark circles under his eyes non brushed hair and kinda smelling like acid from me spitting it at things behind him so it ended up causing him to smell like it. Ok I was the one who made him like this so it's only fair I fix it. I went up to Zander blew a icy warm breath over him fixing his hair so it looked brushed making him no longer smell like acids and the water mist got rid of the dark circles under his eyes. I still looked pretty bad but I could fix that later Zander didn't even know what I have done and we finally found the right class just as the bell rung we made it into class. All eyes were on us tho. I pricked my hair and feathers flattening them and scanned the room with icy eyes. The teacher looked at Zander with a warm smile apparently they knew each other. This should get interesting. Once this teacher finds out I am Zander's 'dragon' apparently dragon hatchery care takers aren't allowed to bond with a dragon so this should be getting interesting.*

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