Chapter 36 Sense of Smell

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"They smell ok?"

"Yeah they don't smell like pee,rather hmmm like sweaty perfum."

*Zander was trying to hold in laughter but, after a few seconds his face started to turn red and he bursted out laughing.*

"Sweaty perfum?!"

"Hey don't judge dragons senses are a million times stronger than humans sweaty perfum for girls plain sweat for guys and old men rotten prunes and old females rotten peaches."

"Ok,so what do I smell like?"

"You smell like a spring meadow and a fresh spring stream."

*Zander sniffed his pit and cringed.*

"Yeah I don't see how,I smell really ...sweaty."

*I neared Zander smelling him. He didn't smell sweaty too me.*

"Nope,I still don't smell it."

"Your nose is messed up then."

"Nope,that is jus the way dragons scent things."

"So that is what dragons scent their riders as?"

"Hmmm let me think on that.Well I wouldn't know,but I think that this era of dragons that have been hatched and such forth have acquired and adapted to the scents of nowadays so probably not,they more than likely scent their riders as family of sort so no they don't smell the sour stench unless they are smelling a stranger and or enemy."

"Good to know,they why do you scent things differently?"

"I was laid during the Dragon War so I will have an older more primal sense of smell as well as other things so my many great nieces nephews and cousins will have a more adapted and weaker primal scenting."

"Is that a good thing?"

"It can be for this era in the older age,no it wouldn't have been."

"Why exactly wouldn't it have been?"

*I started cracking up laughing at his ridiculous question.*

"What's so funny?!"

"Y..your question hahahha!"

"Why is it so funny?!"

"Do you know how much a dragon relies on their nose and eyes?"

"No,how much?"

"Enough to the point we don't even use most of our other senses and when we do it is rare. We rely on our nose to find mates,distinguish friend from foe,find food,find water,find shelter,know when out mate is receptive,even to know if our time is coming to an untimely end!"

"Seriously all of that? So what is it use for now?"

"My best guess choosing our rider if we have a choice maybe food maybe water."

*Zander was taken aback by how short the list became.*

"Nowadays this generations sense of taste, sight, hearing ,smell,  touch,and  sixth sense are slightly higher than a humans."

"What about you?"

"My senses are very heightened all of my senses are on  the same level and very high."

"You also said sight was a high sense,so how was that used?I have a feeling there is more to it than is said plainly."

*My lips curled in a slight toothy snarl of a smile.*

"You are very right,however I am afraid this info isn't for the faint of heart and has quiet a long and dark history."

"How so?"

"You see before dragons had enemies our sense of sight was equal to that of a human."

"What was it that gave you such great sight?"

"Are you sure you want me to tell you? It isn't the most appropriate topic."

"Yes,it's a good thing I don't have a faint heart."

*I gave a smirk then nodded.*

"Very well,it happened before the Dragon War dragons ruled the earth and were abundant we didn't have any enemies. Man was still new and primitive. After a few hundred years a thousand years before the Dragon War came to fall they asked us if we could grant them power seeing as we controlled all elements and more so. My species saw nothing wrong with this so an elder dragon near death gave them his heart upon a chain giving that sole human power unimaginable to man. However the power didn't work for him so another tried and another,and another and so forth however nobody could wield the power held within the heart. Man went back and said my species had cheated them they responded that they could not have cheated them when they gave the heart to them as a gift,they simply were too new to wield the power. Many years passed man didn't forget the ever growing power of my species and came back again requested the same thing my kin bestowed upon them once again a dragon heart this time the heart worked but,only for a select few,but at a cost. The cost was unknown still to this day. Man was angry at the consequence and went on a mini killing spree this was five years before the war They came upon a nest of hatchlings playing. Seeing the mother sleeping peacefully they took her offspring when she awoke her young were gone. She became furious and restless in a desperate attempt to find her young she traded her senses to enhance her sense of sight and smell when she found her young she killed the humans that took them thus the enhanced smell and sight however the sight goes far far deeper than what I told you,however that is all for a history lesson for the day."

*Zander seemed to be in a daze from my story then shook his head clearing it then nodded thoughtfully.*

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