Chapter 13 Grouchy Females

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*This new shift is going to take some getting use to. First off my wing are twice the size they were. I was now about five foot five. I had lots of curve and a huge bust. My draperies were now down past my butt and my hair stopped two inches from going past it.*

"Ok lead the way to the Cornel."

*Zander lead me down the intercit hallways back to the Cornels office.I walked in without knocking and the Cornel looked up and did a double take.*

"Who might you be miss?"

"You know who."

"I am sorry but I don't."

"It's Iceis."


"This is a prank right?"

"Nope. Now why did you pair Zander and I together?!"

"You two would be a good dragon rider team that's all."

"Mhmmmm well we didn't want to have a rider or dragon."

"Precisely why you would be a good team."

"Your logic makes no sense."

"Does it really have to?"


"Well sorry but that is my reasoning."

*I started to stalk up to the Cornel very slowly but I felt a hand on my shoulder which stopped me.*

"Iceis you may not kill the Cornel."


"Come on. He isn't going to say anything."

"Fine. Can I have some raspberries then?"

"Yes you may."


*I ran down the hallways with Zander in tow and ran down to his lodging. I was pulling him along and he was keeping up fairly well considering. I shoved him inside and waited patiently for him to get the raspberries.*

"FYI I have to go pick them."


*I gave it a thought then ran outside and spread my wings which were now about eight feet long. It was really hard trying to take off from the ground due to my wing structor so I ran off over the cliff and dove tucking my wings in.Zander looked over the edge horrified as I plummeted down. Right before I hit the ground I pulled up and I shot up and grabbed Zander's arm still on the sling shot effect I steadied myself with the extra one hundred and twenty pounds. It was difficult trying to fly with his extra weight but I made it to a cliff where I hooked my claws and climbed up. I threw him up and over the edge then pulled myself up with the raspberries in front of us.*

"Never do that again!!!"

*I had grabbed a handful of raspberries and shoved them in my mouth.*

"Mh...yeah try them their good."

"Wait how is it you were able to carry me all this way from the school without dropping me?"

"You are fairly light so I just accommodated for the extra weight and spread my feathers out which somehow made a wing flap come out which enlarged my wing width."

"Spread your wings."

*I spread my wings and Zander grabbed the skin of it and started to pull. It hurt so I yanked my wing back.*

"Hey!! That hurt!"

"You don't have any extra wing skin tho."

"Well sorry to Burst your bubble but no I don't I think it comes out from where you where pulling it. It comes out somewhere else."

"Where then?"

"Look when I am flying you back down."

*I grabbed another handful and shoved the berries in my mouth then grab Zander quiqly before he could protest and jumped off keeping my wings tucked as I dove.*

"I am going to die!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

*I opened my wings quiqly and enlarged a flap open from my wing as I shot upward even faster then before and I was actually gliding!! I beat my wings quiqer an I sped up going eight hundred miles an hour that as the slowest glide I could muster. I flipped upward to gain height then dove down gaining faster moment as I held Zander and we plummeted back to the school. I was now going a hundred thousand miles an hour and the wing folds folded back up so I went faster and faster. Right before I hit the ground I tossed Zander into a pile of hay so I ended up being the one taking the brunt if the impact and skidded. I had locked my wings back in place so they wouldn't be damaged.*

"I am alive!!!"

"Of course you are I was the one who skidded to stop!"

"If you would learn to land you wouldn't skid!!"

"If I could stop I wouldn't worry about skidding but the only way for me to get low enough to toss you to safety is to dive and that gains speed as I dive pulse it is the only way for me to try and land!"

"Ok fine I get it. You have trouble landing."


*I looked myself over the worst I had was my draperies were a bit pricked out but I flattened them quiq enough.*

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