Chapter 80 The Naming

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(Holly shit almost done and 80 chapters!)

Waking up to see my tiny little bundles next to me was a feeling I could not describe. I felt a large warm hand rub my shoulder gently.
"Hey, how are you feeling?"
"Tired, sore, but happy and proud."
"You should be. You did great. Their beautiful." Zander whispered into my ear as he kissed my cheek gently.
"Do you want to hold them?"
I looked up at him with tired eyes two were nursing my smallest was just sleeping.
"Yes, may I?" Nodding I picked him up Zander was laying next to me as I handed him over gently.
"Cradle and hold his head."
My hands remained I was still panicky till I saw he had him. Zander smiled down and still unnamed baby number three in fact none were named as of yet. Zander softly cooed to him as tiny baby number three grabbed at his talons on his hand chewing the nail down well gumming it. The two others soon finished as she took baby number three back and handed one and two over as she fed baby three gently and lovingly.
"We need to name them..."
"Mhmm, what do you think we should name them?" Zander looked at me with inquiry as I looked my small angles over.
"Baby number three Kaden."
"Alright and this little lady right here Sophie?"
I nodded then we both looked to each other as we spoke at the same time
Both smiling we nodded liking our name choices for them.
"That helps now I don't need to continue calling them baby number one, two and three" I replied with a smile Zander just gave a soft laugh at that.
"Indeed, they can't grow up being named after numbers. I don't think they would like that in the least.
"Who knows they may have" I replied jokingly. It would be awhile yet before I would try to walk again I wasn't in any hurry to start walking to say the least. I had spent most of my time laying around sleeping, nursing cleaning up the children when they went as I took the bad pelts out and replaced them with new ones Zander laid by the bed. I began potty training them to only go in one area which helped greatly. My three children began to work on their shifting they looked a lot like me in dragon from aside the fact Kaden and Zack had horns than draperies like their sister would get later of course that was always fun getting those male dragons were born with horn nubs the actual horns wouldn't grow in till later but having bone grow from living flesh and up would be painful draperies were mostly just itchy when coming through than anything else.I had to slow down on nursing them since their little teeth were coming in I knew the milk supply would be lasting for awhile and the nursing even less so I would need to find a way to relieve the milk or else it would be incredibly painful. When all else fails there is always and will be Zander. Think of the devil and he will appear. Zander came in with some deer he laid just out of the nest having taken the skin the flesh was left as the kids tore into eating it when I put them outside of the nest. They tore into the meat like little carnivores they were Kaden being less inclined for the meat no matter how much I tried to get him to eat it he wouldn't. Looking to Zander for help. "I'm not sure what to do, he won't eat any meat nor nurse anymore." "Hmm, here try giving him fruit you weren't too inclined for meat either in the beggining." Zander handed me a kiwi I skinned with my teeth as I handed it to Kaden which he devoured I continued that till his siblings wanted to try some I let them Zack left immediately and went back for meat Sophie tried them but wasn't all for it or against it. So Kaden was a herbivore dragon it seemed. It was fine of course I would let my children dictate what was best for their health they knew that much I would offer food safe to eat then they could figure out what food tastes best suited them.
"Yes love?"
"My breasts hurt!"I whined out
"Why are you telling me that I don't think I can do anything to help that."
"You can~"
"You want me drink your milk?"
He asked surprise written on his face and voice
"Please~" I begged out.
"Alright, if it helps you I'll at least try to help." He replied a bit reluctantly I pulled him down giving him a kiss as my bust feathers fell off and away. I made sure to keep an eye on my wrestling kids. Well Sophie and Zach were wrestling Kaden was just watching and observing with intelligent eyes as he looked at Zander and I then back at his siblings. Zander moved down kissing my neck and nipping my breasts as he began to suck almost hesitantly till he began to suck stronger draining them of milk completely to my relief. Licking his lips of any trace of milk.
"Mmm, that was good. It tasted odly...sweet?"
"If you bring more meat back for me it will taste smoky or meaty."
"Yeah we will stick to fruit, how long will it last?"
"Mmm, a month or two at lest until my body senses that they don't need any more milk. That feature is from my human side love. Dragons don't lactate."
"Mm, but it did taste surprisingly good."
"Full course meal right there."I replied amused. I reached down separating Sophie and Zack. Kaden just climbed into the nest. I began to coo to them in serpentine. Kaden responded back in babble Sophie and Kaden were lost to what I said though. "Ooohh, looks like Kaden can understand us best to be quiet about what is said around him." I replied while tickling him as he giggled.
"Shhh, yes."
"So he is like you?"
"To a degree, he is more conscious than his siblings but not quiet as much as I was. He is still a baby mind you."
"I do, I trust what you have to say."
"Usually herbivore dragons tend to develop faster since their minds are sharp bodies lean and less bulky. Zack here is going to be more than likely of the fire element foremost as his main thing like mine is ice, Kaden is of earth or Darkness. Sophie I feel will be of water. However they can still gain other abilities since they are ghost dragons. If not that elementals." I replied while nuzzling them
"We will just take it a day at a time." Zander replied while kissing me and setting me in his lap as I held out children in my arms carefully and lovingly.

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