Chapter 73 A Mates Charm

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(Sorry for the late update, I have been quiet busy with school and had this draft in the save file for quiet awhile and just didnt come around to posting it...I am truly sorry.)

I shifted a bit in Zander's hold and moved ever so slightly over and wound up feeling myself falling  off and over I reached out grasping for anything to prevent my fall and wound up grabbing Zander himself  and yanked him down with me so we landed in a jumbled mess.

"Love, what happened?! Are you ok?"

"Owwww, I lost my balance. Guhh, I don't feel too..."

I rushed over to a window puking my guts out and down  below. Zander rubbed my back trying to help, doing a little  good, however not a whole lot.

"Did you land on your stomach?"

I shake my  head no as another wave of nausea hits and my body shakes a bit.

"Shhh, shhh, it's ok  just let it out. Do you want me to get you some water?"

I nod my head yes feeling a heat wash over me, but my body was getting ice cold  even too cold for me. Zander had stepped away to get some water and was I am assuming a few rooms over. I had collapsed down onto the ground  writhing in pain. When Zander had come back he found me on the floor and pulled me up  into his lap stroking my feathered hair gently and held the water to my lips  as I sipped it.

"God your burning up."

"I f..f..feel,.."

I closed my eyes unable to keep them open any further .

"You need to be helped, but I don't know how or what to do..."

I gave  a small whimper of pain as it passed through me and Zander held me tighter  to him muffling my sounds of pain and relaxing me a little.

"I don't know how to help you...please tell me what to  do."


"Take you to our den?"

Zander's voice came out airy and  strained and I nodded yes as he took me into his arms bridal style and jumped out the window flying off with strong powerful swoops of his wings  not wasting a shingle stroke. Zander shielded  my face from the sudden wind blasting around us  then I felt the small tug  of the current change going up and a quick stop and short wing beats to stabilize then the slow walk going into the den as I felt the soft pelts beneath  my back as I curled into a fetal position on the blankets  and  Zander laid down next to me grabbing my hand gently giving a small squeeze and I gave a weak one  in reassurance.

"Are you going  into labor?"

", eager much?"

I felt strong slightly calloused hands stroking my face ever so gently as he traced my lips, feather light.

"No, just trying to rule a few things out is all."

"I just feel sick....morning sickness and stress don't go together  in the slightest. I feel so c..cold though.."

"Your burning up though."

Zander moved closer to me swamping my body with his much larger one then buried us under pelts and furs as he licked my face applying a cooling saliva  similar to my own healing one  though only  activated during  Draco pregnancies for mates  to help stabilize their hormones and cool or heat their bodies back up. My breath came out a bit  erratic and fast so Zander pressed his lips to mine stopping my quick breath forcing me to take a long slow one in between each kiss as he got my breathing to go back to where it should be at.

"You should get some sleep."

"No, I don't want to sleep. I just,..want to talk with you as I am enveloped in your heat and scent."

"Ohh, so is my heat and scent all you care about." Zander said half jokingly.

"No, not in the slightest. I would much rather have you, but those things are a few perks of having you close to me."

"Are you feeling any better?"

"No, I am not..I still feel like guanno."

"There, there. relax and just focus on my voice." Zander said as he gently stroked my back.

"Follow my voice. You are walking down a dark tunnel with a dim light in front of you. Feel the air become warm and inviting despite that light never getting farther of closer. Feel your limbs getting heavier and harder to move as you move through that tunnel. Feel that weight slowly drag you down into relaxation as your body unwinds more and more. Feel your muscles go lax. Feel them no longer move. Now, try and open your eyes."

I hadn't even realized I had closed my eyes the picture was so vividly painted into my mind I thought I had been with my eyes open the whole time.

"You should find your eyes can't open. If that is so then you shall sleep until your morning sickness has worn off."

As hard as I fought the order. I couldn't. I was set up into a trace by which I did not, nor could I, or truly wish to break. So sleep I did, and sleep came ever so blissfully as all my pain and worries melted away into sweet oblivion and peace.

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