Chapter 25 Talons and Scales?!

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*Here I am laying down on some grass that felt like it was going to cook me alive. I was even in the shade! I was drinking   water and spitting it up into the air freezing it as it left my mouth the ice water landed around me barely doing justice to cool me off.I tightened my feathers around my body then I started to cool of quiet a lot.*

"Iceis where are you?!"

"Over here."

"Have you been here the whole time?"


"Course the one place I don't check is where you are at."

"It always is that way."

"Seems like it,so how are your wings?I also have something I would really like to talk to you about."

"My wings are good.Tho why are you wearing just one glove?"

"Shhh not so loud follow me."

*I followed Zander into a vacant building he pulled the glove off after looking around making sure nobody was looking. It took me a moment to realize what I was looking at. Zander's hand had black scales on it and talons like dragons.*

"That's pretty cool."

"This isn't cool this is weird how do I fix it?"

"I don't exactly know that just how your hand healed back which means you came into contact with dragon blood when I applied my frosty healing saliva."

"Since when have I touched dragons blood?!"

"Ohhh yeah that's right you touched my head when I was sick right?"


"My draperies were growing again so....yeah when they grow they bleed a bit."

"So there is no way at all to reverse this?"

"Not to my knowledge in my opinion it makes you look pretty badass in my opinion."

"I guess it could have been worse.The only difference is I have scales and talons I could have gotten an entire dragons arm."

"See be optimistic!"

"I guess I will just keep it covered up for now..."

"Mmmk I still think it looks pretty cool."

"Says the dragon that looks human."

"Hey if you can't trust the honest opinion from a dragon that looks human who can you trust?"

"Right,right I better go check on Archimedes,you coming?"

"Sure,you know your leaking water right,sweat is what it is called right?"

"Yeah I know I am sweating I am hot and my body is trying to cool off,why aren't you panting or something like most dragons do?"

"Put you hand by my feathers."

*Zander put his hand by one of my feathers and I lifted it up a bit releasing cold air."

"That is really cold!"

"I don't pant or sweat cause my body just adjusts with the feathers so when I get too hot they get cold and when I get cold I get warm just like in flight.
Remember I explained it then too."

"Yeah I remember you saying something like that."

*We walked into the old book filled building  and were met by the old kind white bearded man.*

"Hello you two,getting along?"


"So what brings  you back in here?"

"Well I came in here to check on you as well as ask you about this."

*Zander removed his glove from his hand and showed his hand to Archimedes.*

"Very interesting,what exactly happened?"

"It happened after Iceis caked my hand up healing it,then this is what happened afterwards apparently dragons blood happened to get into the mix,but I don't remember seeing any blood on my hand."

"Well depending on the dragon some blood matter is clear.Do you mind if I try and draw some  of your blood?"

*I shook my head no and brought my mouth up to my finger and bit it causing a slight pain and let my blood run out. As it did so it was a clear blue at first then after a moment it completely turned clear and closed my wound up.*

"Well there is your answer."

"Is there any way to reverse it?"

"Sadly not there isn't unless like skin the scales may eventually fall of as for the claws you could try clipping them down."

*I grabbed Zander's hand and licked it feeling the texture and nature of it.*

"I don't recommend cutting the talons you will do more harm than good as for the scales they won't fall off,but they will start to become a bit smaller."

"You could tell all of that from licking my hand?!"

"Yeah I have scent glands like a snake except I can tell the nature of dragon kind and features."

"Ok,cool and Ewwww,if you have scent glands like a snake why didn't you just flick your tung or something?"

"Ehhhh no I can't my tung can only go out so far if my tung reached farther,then yes I could."

"Ok,just please don't do that if possible it is a bit-"

"Gross I get that,but it was the fastest way for me to cheack."

*I felt some popping of my wing as my tendons,nerves,mucles, and bones were starting to slowly get brought back together yes it hurt if I didn't numb my wings up every hour on the hour,but I was good about doing it during the night and I gave myself a lot of an extra dosage almost an overdose of numbing for the day. Thankfully my body processes the poisons contained in each dosage a small amount nothing will happen,a large and constant dosage like I have been doing can do a lot of harm.Tho if I don't do this then if you have ever had each part of your body torn apart then rapidly being put back together by a glue like spit then you would know what it feels like the best way to describe it is like having a hot knife be driven through your body then it searing it back together after cutting every nerve tendon muscle and bone from your muscular,and circulatory even respiratory system due to the nature of my wings to my knowledge.So if I don't want to be in intense pain I had to take a risk,but if I keep this up for much longer I will probably die from the poisons in my draperies that are in the needles that numb.*

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