Chapter 47 Zander the Caring Mate

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(So do u think this would be a good new cover or leave the old one?)

*I cracked my eyes open I felt beyond crap. My body was stiff sore and I hurt all over and yet the one thing I felt the most beyond all the pain was love for my mate as long as I was with him then nothing mattered I could be burned singed and torn to ribbons over and over again as long as I was with him. I heard a small chirping rumble of sorts. My draperies shifted to try and catch the sound however it seemed I unintentionally was making the sound myself. Zander came and shifted so he was in my line of sight since I couldn't move my head.*

"Yes,are you in pain,what do you need and how can I help, if I can help?"

"Just sit next to me and talk with me."

*I moved three of my fingers so they were grabbing his two fingers which my three barley wrapped around his two in fact they didn't even completely wrap around them. Zander leaned down and touched our foreheads together so we were looking into each others eyes his eyes shone with a green fire whilst mine shone with a blue and green flame.*

"Iceis,do you think if you drank some of my blood it would help?"

"No,only to a certain degree would it help."

"If it helps you at all then just take some."

*I shook my head no although it wasn't very noticble. Zander's eyebrows bunched together he moved out of my line of sight then he moved back in and leaned down towards my mouth and pressed his lips against mine. I felt something warm go down my throat then settle in the pit of my stomach. The warmth slowly spread and healed my minor injuries and reconnected what little skin on my wings which were left. My tung flickered out from my mouth taking the last traces of blood with it.*

"Even if it didn't help much,it still helped a bit..."

*My eyes softened and I nodded my gratitude.*

"Can you turn me over a bit then sit in front of me with your back facing me?"

"Yes,but why?"

"You'll see."

*Zander did as I asked except very slowly and carefully moving me without hurting me further he then sat in front of me and I started to lick his hair with my dry tung grooming it of any knots once I was done with that I moved my hands slowly to his hair resting them on his head as I worked small braids here and there into his blond locks which had gotten a bit shaggier since I had been with him so now it was about down past his ears when brushed downward however since his hair spiked in different ways it didn't look longer. Once I was finished I moved my head down the slightest bit and took in Zander's forestry free smell however it now was tinted with a smoky smell which I rather liked. I started to give a purr which Zander felt and turned around and sat next to me on the bed which he apparently put me on and repositioned me so I was face up in his lap looking up at him.*

"I am going to need to change your bandages soon they are almost completely soaked with blood."

"Ok,can we just stay like this for a little while longer though?"

"Of course,but I will need to change them soon."

"Ok,....five more minutes like this?"

"Of course little miss dragon."

*Zander leaned down and gave a icy cool blow of breath onto my face. I flashed him a mischievous look with my eyes which he didn't fail to notice. Zander drug his skilled hands through my hair gently combing it out for me then gently lifted my head up and went to grab gauze and salve for me. Zander knelt beside me getting me into a upright position however not without me hissing and almost scratching him from the pain of it. Zander let me catch my breath which I didn't realize I needed till he stopped and let me. He used his one hand to gather my hair up into three sections then braided it and put it in a bun so he could work without worry of my hair getting in the way. He moved my draperies gently into the mix last minute, but pinned them to the side like a braided crown. With one hand supporting me and the other holding the gauze and the salve nearby he worked slowly on taking my bandages off he put salve into my wounds and on my body lathering me up in it then gently wrapped the salve around my body. The salve stung my open wounds and the gauze restricted my movement otherwise my body was fine aside from major wounds.Zander took one look at my wings and bit his lip and chewed it for a moment before he grabbed salve and started to rub them down there weren't any wounds there just bone a little cartilage and tendons I no longer had muscle only a few blood vessels running through my tendon and cartilage to prevent bone on bone rubbing. Zander felt and looked my wings over,well what was left anyway. He trailed down my wing until I flinched and almost clawed his hand off from where my wing first protruded from just a little ways out from my shoulder blade Zander gave a sigh of relief and a airy chuckle.*


"Good news your wings have a small percentile of growing back and I might have a solution to heal them entirely in maybe a month tops."

"What is it?"

"You you see little miss dragon mate it is..."

(Sry you will have to wait and see what it is in the next chappy! Relax it won't be long till I write it so plz don't toss stones at me! Lastly us it just me or does it seem Iceis gets hurt a lot in this book and if so is it annoying you as much as I is annoying me the writter!! Ughhh I've got a million problems and they are all my books 😓)

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