Chapter 68 Dont Anger Me

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(OK, wow I can't believe that in a couple days it will have marked a year since I have been working on this story, time flies when you are having fun. Well enjoy!)

Zander pulled me close to his body then rested his chin on my head as I was pulled closer to his chest. I looked up at Zander with annoyed amusement.

"Well Miss Heart, if that I all can we go now?"

"Yes, yes. Go, that is all."

Zander guided me out gently with his hand on the small of my back. Zander began to thread his fingers through my hair smoothly coming it out since it seemed I never could quite get it completely combed through. It was extremely  relaxing to say the least.

"So mei amor, what would you like us to do today?"

"I couldn't say...perhaps get something to eat for starters. I am kinda craving smoked fish."

"For breakfast?"

"Yes, with some olive oil for the fish to be laid in and maybe some spices."

"Are you sure you don't want your usual fruit?"

"Hmmm....nope, that is what breakfast should be."

"Well then, that can be arranged fairly easily. Why don't you go find something to occupy yourself with while I go out and gather what needs to be as well as the preparation."

"Thank you."

"Of course, I would do anything for you."

"As I to you."

Zander laid a gentle sweet and lingering kiss on my lips then left to go prepare what I had requested for breakfast. I walked through the halls as some of the second and first years chattered with each other. One of the fourth years glanced over at me and asked a second year a question which I didn't catch. The second year guy gave a shrug the fourth year. The first year wasn't satisfied so he came up to me I am assuming to ask the question he was trying to get out of the second year.

"Ok, so I have a question miss dragon."

"Ok Mr. Fourth year what is your question?"

"What is the deal with you and that D.H.C?"

"You mean Zander?"

"Yes, him."

"Isn't that a personal affair question?"

"So it is confirmed as to the relationship between you two."

"Your a nosy little thing aren't you?"

"How am I little if I am bigger than you?"

This fourth year was beginning to get on my nerves.

"I in fact don't have to answer any of your questions, so I am not going to."

I turned to leave, but a firm grip on my arm held me still. I turned back around my eyes glowing a light tinge of red and my pupils were included to turn yellow. The fourth year didn't seem fazed by my sudden eye color change.

"Well now, don't you seem to be getting mad."

Through clenched teeth I ground out.

"Release me, now!"

"Not until I get a clear straight forward answer."

I tried to yank my arm out since I was much stronger than a mer human, however the way he was holding my arm, his nails were digging into the soft flesh of my for arm between each bone. He was beginning to force me down to the ground, the more I resisted, the more my arm was being bent at an angle to get me down. I was fed up with him at this point and swung my tail behind him sweeping his feet out from under him. His vice loosened on my arm and I yanked it out causing his nails to open the flesh of my for arm and causing me to bleed to the floor.

"How dare you challenge me! I am a dragon and you dare question what knowledge I wish to divulge to a mer human a stranger no less!"

At this point my eyes were intense in color, my feathers stood up into a spiked appearance as well as my hair. My tail whipped around me angerly. The second year tried to get his friend out of the way, I shot him a look by which stopped him in his tracks and cause him to back up. At least somebody knew respect. My gaze shot back down to the now trembling first year.

"Now, I may be an agreeable draco, however when my position and information by which is mine to choose what to do with is questioned, now that makes me pissed off."

My eyes narrowed down at the fourth year. His eyes no longer met my angry ember ones.

"Next time think before you act, especially around me."

I turned an as I left my arm splattered some blood onto the marble flooring. I brought my arm up to my mouth and licked my wound healing it over and smearing the blood on my arm which would get washed off at a later time. I saw Zander looking around then he spotted me. A grin spread onto my face and I met him in the middle by a door leading out to the putter corridor of the school.

"What happened to your arm?"

"Ohh, nothing, I am fine see?"

I showed Zander my woundless arm, he armed satisfied with my response and let it drop.

"Well, I have breakfast now."

I took a breath and smelled the fish making me salavate. I sat down next to Zander as he handed me done fish with a cracker he also had some cheese and a substance by which I could it identify in a glass bottle. I took a whiff of it and turned away feeling nauseated at u sudden invasion of the strong as I had now identified as a alcoholic scent.

"It looks good, the drink you can have yourself, it doesn't seem to agree with my nose however, everything else looks wonderful."

I gave Zander a gentle smile and he pulled me close and gave me a gentle kiss.

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