Chapter 60 Ghost Dragon

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(Time skip brought to you by Kitty chan/san)

*Three weeks had past and since then Zander and I had been working on our wings, Zander had gotta the hang of using his type a notch wings to come out and I had gained muscle from the water, it still hurt to use my wings, but I could use them in water at least.  I didn't feel like throwing Zander off of a cliff to teach him how to fly...unlike him when I was little. Granted I had the basics down, still not a good enough excuse. I was watching the sun rise. Zander was sleeping next to me oblivious to the world changing around him with a soft smile splayed upon his soft face.  I looked down upon him with a gentle smile. My tail was twitching, the inevitable was going to have to happen eventually. For now Zander could sleep, but we would have to go back to that academy. Dragon eggs, even if absent of the dragons heart were still there. I gently touched the space between my bust where my outward heart was now since I was older and could keep myself safe. I hadn't told Zander about my now outward orb which glowed a soft blue and had a upside down weeping willow carved into it with our binding mark. As I touched my heart gently it reacted and little sparks of black and red surged through it. Zander moved as I had done that and his own inward heart pulsed with a blue glow beneath his chest. I gently threaded my talons through his hair careful so as to not wake him. A few moments later like clockwork he woke up with the shed of dawn upon the breaking of night to day.*


"Morning mei amor."

"We are going to have to go back you know."


"The academy."

"Yes, I know..."

"Its best if we go today, since once I lose all of my feathers we won't be going back due to instinct. If anything I won't be then again anywhere you go I go."

"Do you want to go now, we can if you want to."

*I gave a light nod. *

"I better give you a fair warning though, if I see any scientist or that Cornell, there will be blood spilled."

"I don't doubt it and for his sake I hope he sand those scientists stay away from you and me for that matter."

*Once Zander and I ate the last of the deer meat, we started to walk back to the academy, along the way I made Zander practice flying from take off from the ground. I would spread my wings occasionally enjoying the cool spring breeze that ruffled my feathers which had grown back even fuller and thicker than before. I closed my eyes enjoying the feel of the wind in my feathers and under my wings imagining what flight was once like. I gave several spins my arms stretched outward. I felt warm arms wrap around my cool body.*

"Enjoying yourself?"

"Very much so."

"Feel the wind beneath your wings and focus your strength on your flight love."

*At Zander's whispered words of encouragement I opened my wings and relaxed my wing muscles letting myself get taken by the wind. I felt my feet leave the ground then touch again. I gave a painful beat of my strained muscle and gained some height. I was able to get twenty feet into the air for a couple minutes before it was too much and I went gliding back down to Zander. *

"I think you have improved since your were a hatch-ling."

*I gave Zander a annoyed/playful punch.*  

"Yeah,yeah romeo. Lets get this academy trip over with as quick as possible."

*Zander gave me a gentle kiss on my forehead then we began out walk once again. We reached the academy at about noon. Zander and I went to go see Archimedes first. When we entered the library was still as beautifully ancient as I had remembered it.*

"Ahh, so you did come back, I was wondering if I would ever see my favorite lad here again. Ahh lass, you seem quiet content with Zander here. So any great grand kids for me yet?"

*I looked at Zander with confusion and he gave a light hearted laugh.*

"I never did tell you he was my grandfather did I?"

"No you didn't."

*I gave Zander a light hit on his head.*

"Sorry Archimedes, but no. Also, how did you know Zander was my mate?"

*Archimedes burst out laughing after my question.*

"I have known since you first came here as a wee lass."

*Archimedes  pulled out a torn page and showed it too me. The cover page read Ghost Dragons and read as follows.*

If you are reading this, then you are of our species dear son/daughter of dragon. You have many questions most of which are already answered due to our ever lasting knowledge, but the stuff you don't know is how the Ghost dragon came to be. It all started at the sum of  the time I am writing this five millennium ago at the dawn of earth. The dragon species was thriving yes, however one dragon your ancestor could not find his mate among other dragons and in his grief almost ended his life until he was stopped by a young maiden out picking berries. She saw his grief and offered her mind body and soul unto the great being. He gave her half his soul and she to him half gifting both the ability to turn at will from dragon to human however for only a short time. Shortly after  she gave birth to what is now know as  Ghost dragon. As a ghost dragon your being can't be tethered to a dragon only a human with a dragons soul. As  a ghost dragon you take the form of  at all times  a semi draco. As of this time in the near future our kind as we know it will lose our very free will and the Ghost dragon will be obliterated unless one is sacrificed for a future so his mate can live and thus get thrusted to another,safer time so the two, you and your mate dear ghost can live in peace and harmony. A protector of this scroll has been given the gift to see the truth as a decedent of the man whom helped us so very long ago. I hope this has helped seeing as only two beings know of the Ghost dragon and note, even our realities know nothing of this. Your challenge is not done yet dear ghost. you still have one vital thing to complete if you are reading this...and I think you know what that is. Best wishes,

Mother Ghost.

*That was educational...*

"Welp, to answer your question as to when I was a baby, I am a Ghost Dragon dear mate."

( WOW 60 chapters I managed not to divulge her species of far my longest book, I have now found a beta tester for my book so once he gets an account on wattpad he is going to help me with editing and advise so once that account is made I will have what I have been holding off on for the past...ten...fifteen...ok in actuality thirty chapters  =^_^= kitty feels kinda bad she has been making her feral readers growlings dogs while she sits on the fence deciding when to jump... and she goes jumping aaaaaannnnndddd lands onto the smutty chapter   😣

pss only accesable by following moi)

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