Chapter 20 Ill and Sick

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"Let's go back, I know you have class tomorrow and you need your rest. Besides you need to fix your hair it looks like a bird tried to make a nest out of it,but failed."

"Yeah,I am getting a bit tired."

*Zander and I walked back to his dorm room and laid down. I went over to a corner and looked at the ancient leather bound book he had I gentle took it out and looked at the cover it was in ancient language not many people could read unless they have a connection with the author of the books through blood relations,or you are a dragon. I looked it over and the title read 'Book 3 of the Ancient Breeds.' I turned through some of the pages which were worn through age and a few torn out. Some of the pictures in the book looked familiar of some of the dragons I had seen outlined through my egg. When I turned to the back of the book the pages were burned out carefully destroying all evidence of the dragon. My eyes narrowed at this and I closed the book ,but the gems were glowing meaning they were ancient dragons hearts which had yet to be cultivated for their power. I ran my hand over the hearts and pain shot through my body and I crumpled to the floor I felt my heart constrict and pulse. It skipped a few beats and I could feel my body changing. A ghost outline of what I would look like as a dragon appeared around me as I saw the outline of a dragons tail tipped with feathers the outside of them blue the inside red and then veins of the feathers blue towards the end. My wings stayed the same just  a bit larger and my body changed to a small dragon. As soon as the pain passed the outline of a ghost of myself as a dragon vanished and I was left slipping out of consciousness into darkness. I was awoken to Zander shaken me awake my body hurt all over and I groaned in pain as he shook me. Zander stopped when he heard my protest against him shaking me.*

"What's wrong? I didn't hurt you from you taking me on a flight did I?"

"No...just let me lay here. I am not in pain from you taking a flight with me. I am just hurting from something else just go to class."

*I closed my eyes as I tried to wait for the pounding in my head to stop as well as the twitching in my mucles.*

"I think I need to take you to the vet."

"Just leave me hear and be quiet the world is spinning."

"You didn't get into my alcohol did you?"

"Nothing,but water."

"Yeah,I am going to call the vet I can skip class today,I am worried about you."

"Shhhhh quiet you can hear the worms moving and the ocean in my head."

"Yeah,you really need a vet."

*I heard Zander dial a number and about ten minutes later somebody nocked on the door and somebody came in. I didn't really care to open my eyes it was far too bright for me and I only made my head hurt more.*

"So,what seems to be the problem."

"Iceis is having a headache from what I can get and her muscles won't stop twitching and it hurts when I touch her or talk too loudly." 

"Did she get into any alcohol?"

"No,I checked none of it was touched."

"Ok,well can you close those shades so it's dark in here."


*I heard the shades close and the vet kneeled beside me.*

"I had heard  about the dragon that looked human when she hatched never did I think I would meet her this way. Have you done or given her anything different than usual?"

"No,the only thing we did different was go for a flight last night by her choice,but she said it wasn't from that it was from something else."

"Ok,I am going to check a few things."

*The vet opened my eye with one hand and held a flashlight with the other she shined it in my eye then withdrew it and did that a few times in both eyes.*

"Her pupils are extremely dilated even for a nocturnal animal her pupils are taking up her whole eye I can't even tell where they are slitted. I don't know nor can I tell you what is wrong,but keep an eye on her and make sure she is in a quiet dark environment until she can handle  noise and light again."

*I kept my eyes closed after she had shone the light in my eye which caused me to see black spots across my vision. Zander let the vet out and he sat beside me stroking my hair. It helped a bit just sitting someplace quiet and dark and with Zander trying to release some of the strain I managed to fall asleep. My body was burning up and I felt Zander yank his hand back from my head. I cracked my eye open and I saw his blurred multiple Zander's figure everywhere and his hand had smoke coming off if it and he was blowing on his hand. My body started to become cold and I started to shake and I fell into unconsciousness hopping the pain would have passed once I woke up.*

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