Chapter 15 Who's the New Girl?

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*I started to follow Zander out of the classroom to the mysterious cafeteria. As I was walking down the hallway with Zander guys would stop and stare girls would whisper asking who the new girl was nobody knew tho. I guess I had changed a lot since last I had looked.*

"Ok Iceis you can choose whatever you like from the menu seeing as you can eat both dragon and human food."

"Yeah sure..."

*I looked around at what the menu had to offer and they had some steak and egg salad. I decided to get that. People were staring at me which it was making me uncomfortable I could practically see the guys drooling and the girls trying to figure oh how to bring me into their group. Zander for the anar thing I did an we sat down over by a table a ways set from everyone else.*

"So how do you like the steak an eggs compared to fruit?"

"It..*munch* is..*munch* soo..*munch* good!"

"Well glad that you like it."

*I could see some girls walking up to our table from the corner of my eye. I could tell the social standing was popular but snobby.*

"Hey, so why don't you ditch the stable hand and go hang out with us?"

"I finished the food on my plate then responded."

"Sorry,but I am not going to ditch one of my only friends."

"He won't be your only friend if you join with us."

"Sorry,but no I would rather only have one friend that's a true friend than a thousand fake ones."

*I reached over and grabbed a spoonful if Zander egg salad and shoved it in my mouth.*

"Hey I was eating that!"

"Too bad feed your flight buddy!"

*The girls walked away with a flick of their hair.*

"So did you really mean what you said?"

"About you feeding me? Yes!"

"No about me being your friend."

"You feed me,pulse you are...."

"I am what?"

"Nothing I don't think I am in my right mind."

*I grabbed Zander's plate and ate his potato salad and the rest of his steak.*


"You snooze you lose."

"Not fair!"

"Don't be such a baby,do you want me to drag you out for flying lessons for humans?"


*I saw some guys coming up to me. Jeez are these people endless?*

"Hey so my buddies and I were wondering if you would like to be one of our girlfriends?"

*I raised an eyebrow at the jocks in front of me.*

"Excuse me?! Sorry but I already have a boyfriend."

"You can always dump him for us."

"Are you always his cocky? Get a hint,go away."

*I grabbed Zander's hand and leaned onto his shoulder.*

"That's your boyfriend a stable hand?!"

"Yes now leave!"

*My canine teeth became sharp as I stood up and growled at them.*

"Ok fine we are leaving."

*Zander just sat their in shock with his mouth open.*

"You might wanna close your mouth before I put dragon poo in it."

"Ewwww,and did you just refers to me as your boyfriend?"

"Only way to get them to go away,don't look too fare into it. I am going back for more. Want some?"

"Yeah,since you ate my food, yes!"

*I went up to the line and saw Lilly standing in it.*

"Hey Lilly."

"Hello,do I know you?"

"Yeah. Remember you tried to band me."


"Yup that's me."

"Since when do you look like a model?! Las I checked you were like ten! That was only yesterday!"

"Well I grow fast. Wanna help me carry my food?"

"Is that a statement or a request?"


"Umm yeah...."

*I grabbed twenty plates of food and one for Zander.*

"Are you really going to eat all of this food?"

"Yeah, of course I am!"

"Where do you even put all if that food?!"

"Just cause I look human doesn't mean I don't have a dragon appetite."

"Apparently so,are you going to share?"

"Yeah I got a plate for Alaxander in here somewhere."

"Just one?"

"Hey I just skipped at least three shifts and I am really hungry. An hour ago I was flat chested I didn't have hips or curves and now suddenly I have hips curves and I have a huge bust. It kinda makes a girl hungry."

"Point taken. I still need to give you a banding bracket."

"Not happening."

"Ok why are you so against it?"

"First off I have an allergic reaction which consists of my flesh melting off whenever you try making me into a pet."

"We do not try and make you into a pet."

"You kinda do...which ends up making me have my flesh get melted off."

"Ok I get it. Let's just set your food down it's getting heavy."

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