Chapter 79 Birth!

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(Ok, so I have strep throat and am seeing my dad for a month since I'm sick I thought might as well finish this damn book up, well I'm almost done this isn't the last chapter but I need to get a new toothbrush so I don't reinfect myself.)

When I awoke Zander was still there but seemed anxious almost. "Do you need anything?" I nodded.
"Water and food please."

Zander didn't waste anytime as he left to go get what I asked for. I shifted around trying to get comfortable, but couldn't as I stood up pacing around the nest a little getting up and doing that a few times as I finally layed down the cramps had gotten worse Zander still wasn't back yet. I opened my legs as I layed on my back the cramps stopping and starting as the time between them became less and less. I had propped myself up on a small mound formed from my pacing my feet pushed more stuff away leaving just a smooth animal pelt the cramps had gotten so bad as it felt like tearing was occurring then it stopped I breathed heavily as I looked down seeing a small form panting for air. I had just given birth. I reach down picking the small form up cleaning the unidentifiable gender off I wouldn't actually know for a few more hours what gender my baby was or until I got the small life dried off. I felt more cramps occurring as another smaller form came out. Laying baby number one on my stomach as soft sniffles were heard and chirping crawling up a ways the babe latched on and began to nurse from me while I licked baby number two clean laying the small form on my stomach as well crawling up a little with hooked nails to reach my milk supply. I thought for certain I was done, but I was wrong cramps were less this time as I practically didn't even feel a thing looking down to see if it wasn't just the placenta I saw a third baby. Picking the smallest of all the siblings up I cleaned the small form gently as pitiful chirps were heard. Baby number one was done as well a two so I placed them by the curve of my stomach slowly the fat moving back around distributing evenly as the warm placenta came out one by one. Baby number three was nursing on what milk was left in both boobs seeming to be more than enough. The babies had dried off by this time so gender was more distinguishable I had two boys and one girl baby number one the largest was my first boy baby number two was my girl and baby number three was my smallest and my second son. Their wings were still damp and their final wing color wouldn't be seen till later. Zander cane in shortly after all the babies were fed I let out a low warning growl from instinct Zander just set the food by the entrance waiting for a sign to come in as it was granted with me laying back down since I was so tired from having three children in under thirty minutes, but come to think of it my labor lasted around two days since I guess my water broke and that was that wet feeling when I was sleeping and there I thought I and peed myself. Zander kneeled over looking at the three kids I had just had as he rubbed my back. "I figured you were close to going into labor, so I thought it would be less stressful if I wasn't there and came back with food and water like you requested. You need to eat and drink something. I'll clean this up for you."

I nodded grateful that Zander hadn't been around while I was giving birth since I only would have been stressed more. Zander held some water to my lips which I chugged down quickly and held some rabbit meat he was tearing off into small pieces for me to eat as I swallowed them whole so as to digest slowly and become milk more likely. I could feel my breasts becoming swollen again as I lay with no bust feathers and two of the three drinking their fill as the smallest ate last but still finished off the milk. I closed my eyes to sleep my babies close to me and safe. Zander moved the soiled animal pelts out and threw them down to the bottom of the cavern the den was too high up for predators to reach and too low for humans to get to not to mention no hand holds only claw holds so throwing the placenta and bloody pelts down wasn't a big deal as he moved his exhausted mate up gently to place a clean pelt under her. Her pelvis feathers seemed to be acting as a type of absorbing matter and changed a bit seeming to fall out and grow back quickly to continue to absorb the bloody flow still coming down as well as liquid matter not seeping past the feathers.

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