Chapter 72 Council Men and H.D.R Talk

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My slitted eyes looked the council over. Not a single young person here all over thirty at least...well thirty was young.

"We were told the council wasn't to be here till tomorrow."

"Yes, well we finished early and came down here to see things for ourselves."

Zander spoke up.

"Well, its good either way since we had some stuff we wanted to talk with you about also."

"Ahh, and we came here to speak with you and Iceis. So, let us go talk someplace privet."

The council gestured for Zander to take the lead to take us someplace privet which he did. He brought us all to fairly secure room that was sound proof. The council or rather H.D.R which was with the council spoke first directly to me.

"So, what gives you such ability to take form of a human?"

"I am a ghost draco from the era of Ancient breeds. As is Ghost dracos since a long, long time before that era could shift due to the simple fact our mates are always and shall be human. For obvious reasons on why I look human can be seen thus forth."

"I am assuming you two are a mated pair if I am correct?"

"You are correct, we are."

"Do correct me if  I am wrong aren't you a dragon and your mate human?"

"You are not wrong there, however he is half dragon as I am half human. He has half a dragon soul and I half a human. Any other questions?"

"No, we were called here under the pre-tense you had the solution for gaining a upper hand in other countries through your being having children and them-"

Zander held me back already seeing my feathers rising and eyes changing color.

"If you value your life, I would suggest stop speaking now or my mate will kill you without second thought since you are suggesting our children be used as weapons."

Zander's tone of voice held a growl to it and his eyes became slitted I even felt some of his scales came out on his face in replacement of his stubble.

"Right, those were the pre-tenses as well as the fact you were crazy and simple trickery was going on to previse this young woman here as part dragon. I believe we can all see how intelligent and most certainly not crazy you two are."

I relaxed a bit seeing that most of the council and all of  H.D.R were on our side. I spoke up now calm but eyes still slitted.

"Now, we have a few things to discuss about the Cornel."

"Yes, do proceed to tell us if you will."

"As you have already heard. He wishes to use any children I may possibly have as weapons and breed them as some sort of animal." 

My voice was very much feral and with acid for words. Zander continued to elaborate onto what I had said

  "He has also threatened my family, mate and myself. Done tests by which I did not, nor my mate agree to and nearly killed her from such said tests and due to that her once broken wings which had healed burned down to the bone and are just now starting to recover from that incident."

Zander made a gesture for me to stand up and show them. I stood up from my seated position on his lap and spread my wings out as they could look at them. There were still a few areas where bone showed and my wings had about mid level feathers towards the bottom and downy with the first part of what should be six layers coming through. You could see them all visibly cringe at what they were seeing a few of them even ran to a can to puke.

"Their tests did that?!"

I nodded and folded my wings back up and sat back on Zander's lap as he rested his chin on my head and I gave a small purr.

"From everything you have just said and showed us he is going to be locked away under multiple charges."

Everybody stood up as did I getting off Zander's lap and moved a few feet away from him as a few H.D.R members talked with me then left one of the Council men came up to me and I smelled something that had me on edge I didn't know what it was though.

"I am terribly sorry to hear what happened to you. Here let me give you something that may help."

I saw something gleam and before I could act a knife was heading for my stomach. Zander must have sensed my uneasiness since he had jumped in front of the knife his armor ridden arm deflecting the knife saving me. He stood in front of me and began to growl his wings coming out as he encroached onto the council man and knocked his legs out and earned a loud snap from the bones in his leg snapping and shattering even having it  go so far as to  where the bone stuck right through.

"How the fuck, dare you try and kill my mate!"

Zander towered over the council man as he began to beat the guy senseless his body covered with scales as he slowly began to turn  towards a dragon. I went over putting my hand on his shoulder. He glanced at me with a small growl and I growled back from the disrespect for me when he heard that he stopped and pulled me to his chest sniffing me as I gave a reassuring purr to him. Two of the Council men took the assailant away and the others came around to try and speak to us, but Zander growled making them back away so I spoke up.

"It is best to leave now before Zander decides otherwise to finish what was started bloodily."

They gave a nod and left apologizing to us. Once done so Zander pressed his cheek to mine as  felt the scaly stubble rub my cheek then felt him nip my mates mark. I bite my lip liking the feeling, but also not up for anything so I gave a little bit of a pleased growl stating my emotion so he settled with just having me lay down on the couch as he laid next to me and I rested my head on his arm while he ran his hand through my feathered hair lightly making me drift off to sleep.

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