Chapter 23 Arghh You Broke My Wing!

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(Kinda sorta what I image Iceis wings to look like only pure white and a LOT more aerodynamic )

*Here I was daydreaming in the middle of dragon autonomy class taught by Miss Heart. Zander was paying attention,but I wasn't I caught something about wings then my name being called.*



"Would you be kind enough to come up here and show us your wings?"


*I moved from the back to the front and in front of the class. I spread my wings out letting the wavy feathers flow behind me.*

"Ok,class what kind of wing structor does it look like she has?"

"It looks like an aquatic type of stuctor due to the curvature of her wings,but she also looks to be an areal type due to long wavy feathers towards the bottom."

"Very good guess class,a way you can tell is of how much wing flap the dragon has as a way you can tell is by going to the first to tenth nerve press on the joint and the flaps come down showing how much there is can show aquatic, speed,as well as leisure."

*Miss Heart was going along the joint and before I could stop her she pressed into the joint releasing the wing flap. Immediately immense pain surrounded me. I could hear tearing of flesh from bone muscle nerves and tendons. I let out a screech of pain my eyes become slitted and I only saw black clouding my vision. My wings went completely slack the flaps of it couldn't contract and bring the flaps up. I tried to clear my vision from the black and red. I manage to have a blurry outline of my wings. They were limp I could tell that the thin membrane of my spit and frost had torn from the flaps getting released so it torn too soon causing tendons, muscle, skin, and nerve to be ripped off too soon nothing was connected anymore in my wings. Tears pricked my eyes I started to salivate again I grabbed my wings tearing them open the class stood shocked Zander looked on frozen in place. I torn to the bone then reconnected things back slowly frosting it reheating it and frosting it making it so it wouldn't be able to move not could I use my wings for a couple months instead of weeks. My body was shaking from all of the pain I slicked my draperies back and pricked my wings with the mini paralysis needles numbing my wings up. Finally I stopped shaking.*

"Never touch a dragons wings unless you are completely sure on how to do it or you risk doing exactly what was done to my wings."

*I walked back to my seat and sat down I couldn't move my wings even after the paralysis wore off for a month.*

"Iceis, going to be ok?"

"I will live,but I won't be flying anytime soon."

*I was quiet unhappy about this,because now I had to find a way back up from the canyon,I would have to stop digging and leave some talon to get back up so it would take me awhile to finish whatever it is I was working on in the first place. I don't even know why I am clawing out a canyon I am just going by instinct who knows why.Its the kind of asked question why dragons do thing they do as well as why women like chocolate we don't know we just do ok so stop asking us why!*

"Do not tear that spit frost on your hand or the same thing will happen to it that happened to my wings."

"I got that much from what happened to your wings."

"Also,if that goo starts to come off,don't pull it off or you will just pull skin off with it."

"Got it."

*The class was just looking at Miss Heart with glares,undoubtedly for... well...,breaking my wings.*

"Zander,for now on,only you can touch my wings seeing as even a dragon expert can't touch them without them getting broken. If you break my wings not even you are allowed to touch them again."

"Fair and reasonable."

*A tingly sensation was running up from my wings meaning that the first layer of my spit was starting to heal my wing back together. The tendons were reattaching to bone,next would be nerve to muscle then muscle to bone then it will be good to go as soon as my wings start to pocket and rupture draining the healing spit out of my wings then I will have to frost my wings over for a day. Now that I think about it,it is kinda gross that I use my spit to heal stuff...oh well nothing I can do bout it.Class was let out,finally! I had the urge to go fly,sadly I couldn't my wings were broken.*

"Ughhh how do you humans do it?!!"

"Do what?"

"Suppress something you were born to do,like walk only for me fly!"

"Man,I didn't realize flying was that important to dragons."

"Not all dragons can fly,but they feel like they can by...that's it!"

"What's it?"

"If I can't take to the sky's I can always try to the seas!"

"Yeah,no I don't think you can water fly despite what people say."

"Hey,they said I couldn't fly,well I can...not very well,by I can still fly so ha I proved them wrong!"

"Ok,ok you can try,you know your limits I don't obviously."

"Yeah,you don't know my limits...not even I do so we will find out where they lie and break past them!"

"This isn't going to end well I can tell."

"Shush it or I will torch you!"

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