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Aries: don't share a bed with them. they'll kick you in their sleep and most likely try to murder you without realizing they're doing it.

Taurus: they want to marry their bed. Usually wakes up around 3 pm.

Gemini: have trouble falling asleep because of all the thoughts in their head.

Cancer: cuddles while sleeping. 

Leo: so many naps. you'll usually just find them napping in the afternoon sun.

Virgo: too stressed out to sleep. they're exhausted. don't mention it.

Libra: need their beauty sleep. incredibly lazy and hard to wake up.

Scorpio: vampire mode, lives by night and sleeps by day. Will rip your head off if you wake them up. 

Sagittarius: they're too excited to actually fall asleep. They're the weird kid with wild eyes running on caffeine.

Capricorn: Don't sleep as much as they should. 

Aquarius: sleeps in weird ass positions like they're possessed or something.

Pisces: usually needs 10 hours of sleep to function, often falls asleep in weird places. they're the kid snoring in class or out of it on the bus. 

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