As best friends

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aries: best at inside jokes, tries to embarrass you a lot, doesn't give the best advice but listens to yours, lots of surprise attack hugs

taurus: listens to your problems and always has an answer to them, wants to make you feel comfortable, a shoulder to cry on, laughs at your jokes even if they're not funny

cancer: treats you like family, feels what you feel, has no physical boundaries and it's very likely they will literally just lay on you 

gemini: always tells you what you want to hear, interrupts your story if they think theirs is better, always wants to do the weirdest shit 

leo: supportive of whatever you want but will tell you their opinion even if you don't ask for it, makes every moment a party moment, appreciates you for putting up with them

virgo: will goof around with you, helps you with little things to make your life easier, tells you if you look bad

libra: judges other people with you, helps you pick out cute outfits, gives the best hugs ever, reminds you why they love you

scorpio: makes you laugh at the worst times, keeps all of your secrets, remembers little things about you, brightens your day

sagittarius: tries to relate to all of your problems, steals all your stuff and never gives it back, always keeps a protective eye on you 

capricorn: gives the best advice ever, cares about your happiness as much as their own, treasures your memories and is always down to make more

aquarius: says things that make you question their sanity, puts you in a lot of awkward situations, hates seeing you upset

pisces: gives you zero personal space, always knows when something's wrong and wants to be there for you,  also probably wants a secret handshake

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