Cat Breeds

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Aries:Bengals. They don't sit the fuck down or shut the fuck up, and you love them for it. Energetic as hell.

Taurus:Persians. Look grumpy but are super lazy, loving, sophisticated, good mannered, relaxed, & self-indulgent.

Gemini:Sphynxes. So done with everything, truly hate and love everything they see equally, depending on their mood.

Cancer:Maine coon. Part sentient being, mostly confused fluff with a side of cling and protectiveness.

Leo:American Shorthairs. Common, underrated, loyal, and well-rounded in

most aspects of their personality.

Virgo:Munchkins. Adorable, hardworking, determined,

just trying to get by in the world.

Libra:Turkish Vans. Quirky as fuck, and never what you expect. Even if you

know them for a while, you'll be surprised.

Scorpio:Abyssinians. Beautiful and talented, but standoffish and probably

a bit stuck up.

Sagittarius:American Curls. They're pretty straightforward, well-rounded,

and normal, but they're always hiding a super big quirk too.

Capricorn:Scottish folds. Everyone thinks they're very impressive and

know what they're doing, but they don't. They love that they've convinced

you, though.

Aquarius:Norwegian forest cats. Huge, beautiful guardians of everything that is good.

Pisces:Siamese. Social, outgoing, annoying, lovable

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