Signs on Deserted Islands

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aries: yells effortlessly for help, than runs around screaming in hopes to scare off any dangerous predators 

taurus: hunts and scavenges for food, attempts to build fire to cook meat 

gemini: talks to themselves as if they were two different people; ends up arguing with themselves over whose fault it is for leaving them there 

cancer: panic attack, crying, yelling, laughing, repeat. unknowingly builds shelter to distract themselves, though it does'nt really work 

leo: relaxes because they know everyone will be searching for them. looks forward to attention they'll get when they're rescued 

virgo: making escape plan 

libra: crying because they did'nt get to say goodbye to their crush 

scorpio: building a boat to get off island, very calm 

sagittarius: considers it an adventure, looks for treasure or native islanders 

capricorn: freaking out because they are missing work or school 

aquarius: blames it on aliens, secretly hopes the island is inhabited by aliens that have summoned them for an adventure 

pisces: dreaming about their crush rescuing them

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