The signs as hostages in a bank robbery

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♈Aries:Asks to go to the bathroom, on the way they headbutt their escort and knocks them out. Makes a beak for the exit, but ends up getting shot in a fight two other robbers

♉ Taurus:Sits silently by the vending machine eating snacks, waiting for the perfect moment to sneak out the exit

♊ Gemini:Is secretly spying on everybody else for the robbers, as not to get shot

♋ Cancer:Consoling Pisces, trying to keep everybody's spirits up

♌ Leo:Thinks they're John Mcclane or some shit and tries to take on all the hostages. get's their ass handed to them and a bullet in their head

♍ Virgo:Gets into an argument with one of the robbers

♎ Libra:Distracts the robbers whilst Scorpio tears a hole in the bottom of the money bag

♏ Scorpio:Vows they will get revenge against the robbers, (tears a hole in the bottom of the bag while they're not looking so that the money falls out and onto the floor as they run from the police)

♐ Sagittarius:Makes a break for it and escapes

♑ Capricorn:Spends the entire time planning the perfect way to escape, but by the time they have figured it out it's too late and the robbery is over

♒ Aquarius:Calm and collected. Just waits for the entire thing to blow over (answers all the cops questions afterwards)

♓ Pisces:Sits and cries, constantly cursing the robbers

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