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Aries:are independent. They venture out and are go-getters, often leading the way. They bring excitement into others lives.

Taurus:is more of the follower than leader type. But their stubborn streak is what gives them their independence. They like to do things their way. They don't mind being alone. Taurus isn't purely a follower, but isn't a brave one either. But they are okay with being on their own to do things as they please.

Gemini:are extremely independent. They refuse to be pinned down by anyone or rules. They want to experience the world on their own. Change and freedom are all a Gemini wants. They will not let anyone dictate them.

Cancer:this is the sign packed with contradictions, so when it comes to being independence, cancer could or could not be. One side, they have a drive of their own and are self sufficient and do not need to depend on others for anything. On the other hand, they depend on others for emotional support and encouragement. It could go either way depending on how evolved a Cancer is.

Leo:are very independent but need something to control and someone who will admire and appreciate them. They are capable of succeeding and doing well on their own but they prefer an audience and people looking up at them. They would not prefer to be alone.

Virgo:independent. They are fully capable of using their intelligence to use and doing things for themselves. But it is possible that their narrow mindedness will cause their creativity to suffer and start living routines lives. They may dwell in the past or over complicate things which can limit their ability to move forward and confuse them. Virgos are able to be independent but the less evolved may struggle if someone is not there helping them.

Libra:prefer to be around other people. They are happiness when others are around. They can be independent but prefer to co-exist with others.

Scorpio:fiercely independent. They are able to accomplish anything they want if they put their mind to it. They are perfectly suited with being on their own. They are not social and like some of the other signs prefer to live on their own so there is no issue over who controls what at home. They like to be in control.

Sagittarius:independence is key. Sagittarius is the sign of the philosopher and the explorer, they will go as far as road will go and explore every corner thoroughly in their ever eternal search for wisdom. Freedom is so important to Sagittarius that they will actually make decisions based on the amount of freedom that is given by the choice they have made, as a result, sometimes a good opportunity is turned down because of it's high commitment need, but this is their choice so it is a good choice for them.

Capricorn:very independent. They know their capabilities and therefore they rarely trust others to finish details, they like to do it all themselves. Capricorn is the loner of all zodiac signs.

Aquarius:very independent. Any attempt to hold them down or restrict them will cause them, to flee. They need to be free to be on their own. Independence is not just desired by Aquarius, it is essential to their well being.

Pisces:needs a dominant partner of role model in their life or they will very easily fall into a pit of self-pity and self-undoing. When they are independent and inspired by life's events, their creativity comes shining through but they are unable to be on their own for long before they start dreaming in their imaginary world of happy people and happy endings. They need other people to keep them grounded and on the right track.

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