The signs cooking

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aries: lost track of if they've burned themselves or the food more

taurus: experimental cooks with a refined palate that knows a good dish when they taste one

gemini: whatever they make it usually just sits in the fridge for a couple weeks because nobody wants to touch it

cancer: their cooking is okay but baking is definitely their strong suit

leo: adds extra salt to everything because they salty af

virgo: will spend hours in the kitchen perfecting a recipe and people always want more tbh

libra: wants every dish to look pretty. they will literally try to make even their toast look artsy and photogenic

scorpio: you know the show hell's kitchen? yeah

sagittarius: cooking usually turns into either an awkward food fight or they just get bored and give up

capricorn: most likely to use a thousand sticks of butter in one recipe bc major sweet tooth

aquarius: makes a huge mess when they cook and their kitchen looks like a crime scene but they still look cute tho

pisces: tries to come up with their own recipes and they pretend they're on the food network 

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