As family members

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Aries:The uncle who has gone through more than 4 cars in less than 6 years

Taurus:The embarrassing, BBQ dad

Gemini:The annoying aunt that's on all social media

Cancer:The newborn baby that everyone wants to hold and take pictures of for Facebook

Leo:The wine mom that knows everyone's side of the story when there is drama

Virgo:The older sister that is hard headed and is really sweet in front of the family but is a huge bitch in front of their siblings

Libra:The uncle that always wants to go to amusement parks with the kids

Scorpio:The black sheep that can't go 3 weeks without fucking up

Sagittarius:The loud mouth aunt who causes all the drama

Capricorn:The older cousin who actually went to college that hates family functions because of the agony of listening to idiots

Aquarius:The single aunt who is rich af but also believes in ghosts and conspiracy theories

Pisces:The annoying little brother that eVERY adult loves but the kids know how annoying and stupid he is

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