The signs when bored

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Aries: starts pestering people to get a reaction out of them

Taurus: tries really hard to stay up but ends up falling asleep

Gemini: groans SO LOUD, and walks around because they literally cannot be still for too long

Cancer: whines about being bored but doesn't do anything about it. Basically expects fun to fall out of the sky

Leo: texts their friends, begging them for entertainment

Virgo: honestly busts their brain trying to think of something to do with a constipated face on

Libra: nags to other people about how bored they are, hoping to spark up a conversation

Scorpio: thinks back to something funny and smirks to themselves about it

Sagittarius: goes through their phones to search for something hilarious (vines, memes, etc.) and nearly pisses themselves while laughing...but no one else is laughing so they look crazy

Capricorn: pulls out/ thinks about something to work on. Might as well be productive

Aquarius: begins to doodle random crap and gets lost in their mind thinking about random crap. Basically, random crap

Pisces: daydreams of scenarios, old and new. Thinks of how the old ones should've went and how the new ones should go

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