little talks

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Eleanor told me she has this new friend. One of Frankie's boyfriends. Silas. I will admit, I disliked him immediately. I can't say why exactly. I hadn't even talked to him yet. I'm glad Eleanor has a friend on the trip besides Livi at least. But...ugh.

That was before I got this text from Will telling me Silas had told them he had a crush on Eleanor. So naturally I had to make sure she didn't like him too. So I'm kind of insecure. I still think Eleanor is way too good for me. And then there's the fact that she had sex with James. Even though I'm not mad at her for that it doesn't erase the fact that it happened. So. Can you blame me for being a little paranoid? Anyway. When I brought it up Eleanor didn't say much. Just that he's dating Frankie. Then she said she didn't want to talk. They didn't pick up when I tried to call them and then they said they were going to bed even though it's the middle of the day. So that's definitely weird right? I talked to him too. First he told me he didn't like her and then when I pressed more he said he did but it doesn't matter because they just met and he wasn't going to try and make a move on her. I feel like Eleanor is mad at me. Again. Am I really just being paranoid? I know I'm a really jealous person. Maybe I'm just reading into things too much.

Speaking of people that don't want to talk. I feel like Will is keeping something from me too. Like he didn't sleep at all last night and he's barely eating anything but he says he's just fine. But then again it might just be the same stuff as before. He says sometimes Nico is better and sometimes he isn't and I guess it feels like nothing is moving, just staying where it is. At least with the teenagers gone he's not nearly as stressed out as before. Still. He's always there whenever I need someone to talk to or if I need advice about something with Eleanor and I wish I could help him too.

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